
On Our Way to 2017 Blogville Spring Break!

 Finally!! We are heading out to do Spring Break, Blogville style!! We all met at 7:00AM sharp at the Blogville Airport. There were some sleepy faces, but everyone was sooooo excited!!

 Thank Goodness I had Mama's Fleasa card and upgraded everyone to Business Class!! There was bacon, burgers, hot dogs and lots of trawpical drinks all around!

 Then we caught the Spring Break Hotel Shuttle! We wanted to drop off our luggage before heading to the beach to surprise Mr. Bailey and Dory!

A bunch of us headed to the pool to cool off after a long day of traveling! We almost didn't hear Jakey calling us to head to the beach!

Now it 's time for the best part of the trip, surprising Mr. Bailey and Dory!! BUT...before we surprise them,  you need to transport over and read all about the beautiful Tropical Getaway Mr. Bailey gave Dory!!
Click HERE to transport over.... we'll  wait
Are you ready??? Make sure you scream surprise REALLY loud!!
Oh boy...I think they are REALLY surprised, don't you??

Now...let's PAWTY!!!

Drop by here later for the dance! 
Right now make sure to check out these cool events:

FIRST: Make sure you have read about the romantic tropical getaway Mr. Bailey and Dory experienced HERE

Next Check out all of these cool events!! 

Have fun with Madi at an Amusement Park HERE

Go Diving with the Doodz Murphy and Stanley HERE

Hunt buried treasure with Chris at Paw Province HERE

Enjoy the Surfing Exhibition hosted by Oreo HERE

...and make sure to stop back and check out the Beach Blanket Bingo Pawty  here at Dory's Backyard!

Follow along with our 2017 Blogville Spring Break Blog Hop!  
Feel free to hop aboard and show us what you are up to during Spring Break!


  1. We think the phrase it's raining cats and dogs has new meaning. The upgrade to business class was so nice, the food was delicious apparently the humans don't fly the same airlines we do because they are always complaining about flying. We had a great time on our flight with all our friends.

    And yes, we think Mr. Bailey and Dory were REAL SURPRISED when we showed up.

  2. Hope we chartered a private plane for this:)


  3. OMD! this is just so exciting! I think Bailey & Dory were REALLY surprised don't you Arty!!!
    It is gonna be a fun fun day!

  4. Some of our Angels have been on an airplane but this was a new and wonderful experience for us!!! We are having a blast on Spring Break - hope Mom doesn't have access to seeing all our fun:)

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  5. OMD, this is the bestest trip EVER! WOOOOOHOOO!!!!!

    OH MY WORD your mama's flesa card is gonna melt from all the swiping we are doing buying umbrella drinks, and sun screen and food. OMCs my itty bitty purple polka dot bikini might not fit. I might have to wear my bday suit.
    Hugs Madi your bfff

  7. Wow, What a chance to get on an airplane...and in the class where all the foodables and other refreshments are. All the way to the beach!
    I have not evfur been in an airplane befur. It was great to see out the windows and put my noseprints on them...I hope the plane company wasn't too annoyed with us after we all got out...ahem...cough...BOL!

    Thanks for buying me a ticket! My Fleascard is overdrawn.

  8. Wow! This is really fun! Good thing our flight was better than that puddle jumper ghostwriter and Dad took to Florida last February.

  9. OMD'S!!!!! THIS IS....PAWSOME!!!!!! OMD, I am havin' the time of my life!!!! I loooooved the Aireplane ride, I never rode on one befores,, butts, I got to say...they should have had more grass pee-spots for us gurls...the line is ALWAYS WAY too long!
    butts it was sooooo funs! I gots to hold paws with my Boo and everythings!!!!!
    Okays, gotta to see what Abby is cookin' up! see ya overs there!
    Ruby ♥

  10. SPRING BREAK ROCKS!!!! We are having a great time ☺


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