
Rhododendron Flower Friday

Jakey here today to wish everyone a very Happy Flower Friday!! This week Mama and I wanted to show you the different Rhododendron blooms in the area! Mama has a special mad crazy obsession love for these pretty blooms!

Mama admired this small rhody that she found in the nearby Arcata Town Square.

This beautiful Spring pink bloom is one of our backyard blooms!

Our backyard bushes don't look too healthy this year, do they Mama?? You might want to pay a bit more attention to them this year, just sayin'...

Although the bushes aren't doing well, we did get some pretty bloom clusters...Here is one of our dark pink blooms.

...and a curly rhody bloom glistening after a rain shower.

Our white rhody bush has a few different bloom clusters that look much better thank they did last year!

The sun has even come out so we can get out and enjoy all the pretty blooms!

These are Mama' s favorite yard rhodies, she loves the splash of orange in the center.

Let's wrap things up with a closer look....

We hope you enjoyed our rhododendrons!! Make sure to join us next week when Arty and Mama show you the beautiful Lupines in the area!!

We also hear Mini Dory is with Mama in that Lost Wages place this weekend enjoying all the pretty casino flowers! They will feature them in a Flower Friday coming soon!

Hop aboard and show us the flowers blooming in your corner of the world (If you don't see the link here, please click HERE to go to our Hoppity page)!!


  1. They just don't want to grow out here in Chicagoland, but we love going back to Washington and seeing all the bushes Mom's Mom planted when she was little back in the Jurassic Park era.

    Abby Lab

  2. the rhododendron flowers are so super beautiful... some peeps in our hood have huge bushes and plants, they are nearly like rhododendron-forests... the mama dreams about having such aforest too, butt that could be difficult for her and her 10 black thumbs ;o)))

  3. Your flowers are so lovely. I love "frilly" flowers. ♥

  4. Your Rhodies are gorgeous, Jakey!

  5. The rhododendrons are lovely. We don't have those here.

  6. Hari OM
    Me and your mum both, Jakey! They are a magnificent bush with their glossy foliage and regal structure... and then the spring crowns of colour!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Wow Jakey your mom is a rhodie....roadie!! and we can certainly see why. They are gorgeous.
    All those beautiful colors your city must have the purrfect environment for them. They grow like crazy in the NC mountains.
    I hope your peeps have a fun time in Lost Wages
    Hugs madi your bfff

  8. Boy, your mom sure likes to travel. We are thankful my mom traveled for so many years she likes to stay home. Pretty flowers today...thanks for the hop!

  9. Ours aren't even close to blooming yet, maybe in a week. A memory came up yesterday, a sad one. It reminded me that it's been 7 years since we lost or senior golden, Chloe. But what I noticed in the post was how different our yard looked 7 years ago. Then all the flowers were tall and in bloom, now they are just getting ready. Spring is very late this year.

  10. I love bright colors and I love rhodaendrums and I think the white one is my favorite.. we don't have them here...

  11. The white rhody bush is simply stunning. White with purple spots! Thanks for sharing. Friday Flowers make us happy!

    Puppy Growls,

  12. They are all so pretty! I think I like that white fluffy one best!

  13. Beautiful blooms in your area! We sure hope your mom and dad don't lose the farm!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  14. When Mom was a very young girl, she lived in a house where the backyard was completely lined with rhodendrons. They were very pretty light lavender in color, but Mom thinks your bright pink ones are so much prettier. Lost WAges - We know that is one place our Mom LOVES to go. The slots always seem to be calling her name:) Hope Mom and mini Dory have a great time.

    Woos - Misty and Lightning


  15. the rhododendrons are very very pretty!!! Hope your mama has fun in Lost Wages
    Mr Bailey Hazel & Mabel

  16. Wow! Jakey, those are some incredibly beautiful blooms! Wish I had a green thumb like that! You are so cute, too! We are joining your blog hop for the very first time after seeing M.K. Clinton's post! What a lovely idea! PS - can you grow some beautiful blooms for me?!

  17. Gorgeous, Jakey! I love those rhodies too! We don't have them here so they are a special treat!

  18. OMD, Jakey, those are most FABulous!!!!! You knows, the same thingie is happenin' in my yardie right nows too....not very many blooms! Wells, I still have hope that we will gets better blooms soon!
    Ruby ♥

  19. Our mom loves rhododendrons too. They are so pretty with all those colored spots in the middle.


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