
Thankful Thursday!

Arty here to share some of the many things we are thankful for on Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

First, Bilbo wants to thank everyone for the Birthday wishes yesterday!! He had a great day full of naps, pumpkin treats and pumpkin crunchies! 

Thanks to Phenny for this pawsome Birthday Card too!!

Next, we want to thank everyone for stopping by and participating in Flower Fridays! We want to let everyone know Angel Dory and Mama will be hosting this week's Flower Friday and showing you what May looks like at the Sequoia Gardens! Make sure to hop aboard the Flower Friday Blog Hop with pictures of flowers in your area! 

Last but certainly not least,  I want to thank Louis Armstrong for doing such a great job as Blogville's Director of Arts and Entertainment for continuing to host his wonderful monthly challenges!! The dead lion for the May Challenge is coming up on Saturday, so hurry and get your entries in!! 

Here are the deets for the May Challenge!!
Stories we Love
In this challenge we share stories we love. 
What you Do:
1. Choose a story you love. The only criteria fur a story is that it must include an animal, bird, fish, reptile or other non-human living being. The non-human need not be the main character.

2.  Your story can be a poem, book, folk tale, movie, song or anything else that could be considered to be a story. It could be a story you have made up or one that you heard around a campfire. The wide-open choice is yours.

3. Write some words about the story and why you like it.

4. Include two photos: one of yourself and one that somehow relates too the story you have chosen.
   The  photo depicting the story can be the book cover, film poster, a picture of something like what is in the story, an author, or anything else that relates.  Please send photos in jpeg format. Louis has troubles with anything else.

5. Include the URL to your blog site as well as the name of your blog so Louis can link your submission to your  site.

6. Send your entries to Louis at louisbloggingdog(at)gmail(dot)com.

7. Dead Lion fur entries is May 20, 2017. They will be published on the Blogville Arts and Entertainment website on May 25th.

Everybuddy who enters will receive a cool badge!


Of course, most of all, we are thankful to all of our friends for stopping by!!

 We are joining Brian for the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop this week!


  1. pumpkin treats and pumpkin crunchies? wow then it was a super barkday!!! any leftovers or crumbs?

  2. Hari OM
    That is a heap of thankfulness - and I am sure there is more; it's the way with thankfulness - it can overflow!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. We are thankful for you guys and your mom. You are all so awesome!

  4. Yay Bilbo I'm glad you had a good barkday!!
    WE look forward to your flower photos and we are very thankful you share your travels with us.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  5. PS Mayor Arty
    I meant to tell you that cap and that shirt make me weak in the knees!
    That photo is worthy of GQ
    Hugs swooning weak in the knees Madi wink wink...(No worries Raz knows I'm a shameless cougar)

  6. (sigh) we are going to miss another Flower Friday if our secretary doesn't get busy sorting our pictures. She is way behind.

  7. so much to be thankful for and I am thankful you shared your thanks with us. that is a really cute card.. I am laughing at Madi comment saying you in the shirt made her week in the knees. I could not have said it better.

  8. It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday, Bilbo! We love participating in flower Friday☺

  9. Lots to be thankful for friend
    Lily & Edward

  10. Hey Bilbo, Happy Birthday from all of us, sorry we are a day late! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. Great pic of Bilbo!!! We are always very thankful to have good friends like all of you.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  12. ARty that close up has my heart going pitter patter! I am so thankful that you are my guy!

    Pee es
    we sent our entry to Louis today

  13. Arty, I can see why Mabel's heart is a flutter...you are lookin' mighty handsome in your outfit dude! Bilbo, you are one good lookin' fella, and I STILL can't believes you are.....ahmmm....YOUR age! You look amazin'! Tells me your secret! is it all the pumpkin treaties???? naps??? inquiring doggies want to know!
    Ruby ♥


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