
Sequoia Gardens in May - Flower Friday

Welcome to Flower Friday!! 
Mama here today, with Angel Dory's help, to show you around the May flowers blooming at Sequoia Gardens!! I'm excited to see the dahlia plants starting to grow. I'm hoping by July, the garden will be brimming will color!

In the meantime, there are more than a few orange daisies popping up!

I am missing my alter ego. 
Where Dory never met a stranger, I am more of an introvert...

This flower has me stumped...so many soft beautiful layers.

The Wysteria bloomed quickly this year, but it was beautiful while it lasted

The  yellow columbine is beautiful,

...as is the purple columbine.

"A Flower is a Smile from Heaven"

Are they still blue bells if they are right side up???

I  need help with this one, I do love all the little purply blue petals.

"Count the garden by the flowers,
Never by the leaves that fall.
Count your life with smiles,
Not the tears that roll"
Rishika Jain's Inspirations

The Johnny Jump Pansies are still blooming

I love the pale colors of these flowers...I believe they are also pansies, but the flowers almost look  snapdragon-"ish"!

Let's wrap things up with a delicate yellow poppy!

"If I had a flower for every time you made me smile,
I'd have a garden to walk in forever...."

Thanks so much for joining us for Flower Friday!!!

Hop aboard and show us the flowers blooming in your corner of the world (If you don't see the link here, please click HERE to go to our Hoppity page)!!


  1. Hari OM
    Beauty abounds... the wide layered flower among the columbine is an anemone... the blue one? Nothing to judge scale... could it be a ceanothus? just a guess. Happy Friday!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. NC..what beautiful beautiful flowers. The columbine is so amazing we don't have those here and the Johnny Jump Pansies they are such a fun little flower.
    Mom and I miss your alter ego,Angel Dory, too and cannot imagine how much you miss her after 13 years of living and loving and sharing your life with her. Mom knows from experience how Dory's was full of sweetness and sunshine and greeted everyone as the best hostess ever at the BAR. Lots of hugs Madi, Dory's BFFF, and mom

  3. Your flowers are gorgeous. I know you are really missing Dory and am sending you a big {{hug}} this morning. We all sure miss her too.
    The Mom

  4. Stunning flowers. If this rain stops *sigh* I will get Mum to take a photo of our bonsai wisteria
    I am missing Dory so much and it must be harder for you missing her in the furs so I am sending you extra luffs and hugs today……if you suddenly feel a cold wet patch around your ankles, that's me and a BIG lucky kisses, gets my peeps every time, hehe
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  5. So many beautiful, beautiful blooms!

  6. the orange is like a firework...what wonderful flowers... and what a wonderful smile of the most beautiful flower girl...

  7. I just LOVE your flower fridays. Miss Dory I know you looking down helping your momma with these posts and photos.

    Puppy Growls,
    Lucy and the Momma

  8. The pictures, the words chosen: an especially beautiful post today.

  9. the quotes and flowers are all so gorgeous, I especially love the one with the multiple layers

  10. What grreat flowers! Grandma just put up arches in her backyard and planted wisteria. We can't wait to see it as pretty as that!

  11. gorgeous flowers Angel Dory... I love pic of the wisteria over the fence. I read something last week about how dogs help introverts when out and about, they help make friends.

  12. What a beautiful post and great photos of dear, sweet Dory. My mom agrees with the Audrey Hepburn quote! Dory is smiling down from heaven at this post!

  13. Oh....those flowers are beautiful

  14. Beautiful flowers in memory of a beautiful girl
    Lily & Edward

  15. Beautiful flowers, beautiful post with beautiful memories of your beautiful Dory.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  16. What a beautiful post!!! You have a lovely way of making flowers come to life for us and leave us with such a good feeling in our hearts. With all the beautiful flowers you always find, you must be receiving a lot of smiles from Angel Dory:)

    Woos - Lightning and Misty


  17. The flowers and quotes are all beautiful! Our Mama especially loves the layered flower too :)
    We know Dory has left you with a wonderous garden of smiles and love.
    We understand your loss.
    Sending your mama lots of love and hugs.

    the critters in the cottage + their Mama, Sophie XO

  18. Your flowers are lovely but will always pale in comparison to Dory's smile ♥

  19. I love the quotes with the Dory memories. I also love the columbines! They are my favorite flower. I can't believe that they are blooming there already!!!! A wonderful post, in every way.

  20. Wow those are some amazing flowers!! We love all the picsurs & quotes wif Angel Dory too :)

    Matt & Matilda


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