
Rude Scarecrows on Happy Tuesday

Happy October! It seems dress up season around here is in full swing and I have decided to give wearing dresses another try.  I thought I was doing pretty good and was even giving Mama a little pouty tongue out for Tuesday(a new supermodel move). Imagine my surprise when I heard Mr. Scarecrow snickering something about my tushy in the background...

 I couldn't believe he could be so very rude!

 I told him though!!

He who laughs last, laughs longest, right??


We are joining our friends at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


Happy Birthday Smokey Bear!

 Hey Jakey...who is this little guy Mama is making us pose with today?

 This is Smokey Bear, Rosy. He teaches mini peeps all about wildfire prevention. Mama thought we might want to help celebrate his 75th birthday. He has been teaching humans all about fire safety and how to prevent wildfires since 1944!

Smokey taught Mama these Five Main Rules of Wildfire Prevention when she was just a little peep:
1. Only you can prevent Wildfires!
2. Always be careful with fire
3. Never play with matches or lighters
4. Always watch your campfire
5. Make sure your campfire is out before leaving it

Here is a little infographic showing a few more  tips:
We know, here in California, this time of year can be very dry and wildfires can ignite and spread very quickly. We are thankful that Smokey taught Mama and Daddy to be very careful with open flame!

 Wow Jakey, Smokey is a pretty important Bear...I hope he has the bestest birthday ever and remember, like Smokey Bear says...
"Only YOU can prevent Wildfires!"

You can read more about Smokey Bear HERE

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!



Final Fiction Nature Friday - Bee-Envy

Today's "page 87" is from a recent book Mama read called  "The Something Girl" written by Jodi Taylor.
-line 8 ~ plummet even further
-line 12 ~avoid everyone else
-line 16 ~ the events of that day

Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the Rulez and join the FFF fun!!

Welcome to the September edition of our most favorite combination of two events, Final Fiction(Nature) Friday where fiction meets nature! Today's pictures were taken by Mama at our local Botanical Gardens with special appearances(via photoshop) by myself and my silly bee-rother Arty.

Now on to our story!
Once upon a time there was a little girl Lhasa named Rosy who dreamed of playing in the flowers with the bees!

She loved the way they climbed into the flowers, collecting pollen along the way!

Unfortunately, she saw how very high they flew and was so very afraid she would plummet to the ground if she tried to fly.

Then she noticed her big brother Arty flitting around the garden without a care in the world!

 "Aren't you afraid you'll fall to the ground and hurt yourself Arty?" she asked.

"Why no Rosy, " he replied, "I love being up here with the bees, this way I can get away by myself and avoid everyone else or I could buzz around with the bees all day long!"

"You make it look so very easy, Brother" Rosy said with excitement,  "Maybe flying isn't as scary as I thought it was!"

"It really isn't hard at all Rosy, Mr. Dragon taught me how to fly, and he can teach you too!"

The events of that day convinced Little Lhasa Rosy that she could do anything she put her mind to, even buzz around the garden, with a bit of help from some friends(and her imagination)!

These two little beepups wish you all a very 
BEE-you-teemous Weekend!

 Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE 
to our Hoppity Page.


Thankful for Furrever Homes on #RememberMeThursday

Jakey here today to help "Shine a Light" on shelter animals all over the world on #RememberMeThursday

The Gang decided I would be the pawfect pup to help spotlight #RememberMeThursday because I was the first rescue pup here at LLB. Take it from me shelters can be scary places and, although shelters try their best by keeping homeless pets safe with full bellies, the best place for abandoned or lost pets is in a furr-ever home!

Sometimes I wonder what happened to all the pups and kitties who were abandoned or never had a home.  Did you know that 3.3 million pups entered shelters in 2018?? But even more eye opening is out of 3.3 million, only 1.6 million pups are adopted from shelters each year...It's sad to think of what happens to the rest of these pups.   

There is good news though, the number of shelter intakes has actually gone down in the past 10 years due to rescue organizations and more peeps heading to shelters to adopt. Not only that, but with Deleware passing a law to make it a "No Kill" state,  Mama hopes it is only a matter of time before the USA becomes a "No Kill" country! I'm not sure what that all means but Mama says your peeps may have an idea.

We hope we have helped shine a bit of knowledge today about shelter pets, and I can't express how thankful I am to have found a furrever home.  Our biggest wish here at LLB is that one day all pets will have Furrever homes,  and there won't be a need for Animal Shelters.

Stay tuned next week for information 
about our No Tricks, Just Treats Blog Hop to help shelters 
and rescue organizations. 

 We are joining Brian for the 
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


Close to Wordless Wednesday

Mama may be a bit obsessed with Autumn...

Make sure to stop by tomorrow for a special Thankful Thursday for 

Thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!



Three Faces of Arty

 1-The look I give Mama when I think it's time for a cookie break

 2-The loving look I give Mama to ensure I get a good cookie

3 - The raspberry I give Mama when she doesn't understand looks 1 and 2!

We are joining our friends at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!

Changing Seasons

Happy Fall Y'all!!

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


Royal Butterflies on Nature Friday

Buttie-pillar Princess Rosy here for another beautiful Nature Friday!

When our blog photographer(aka Mama), was visiting Texas she stopped in a small garden in the historic town of Fredericksburg. While she was there, she saw an unbelievable number of Monarch Butterflies!

The little Royals(that's what Mama calls them) were everywhere!

They seemed to love these little purple blooms. Mama wonders if it was some kind of Milkweed.

Of course, I am also a beautimous royal Lhasa Princess Butterfly

....oh, don't even ask about the squirrel,
Mama put it there and I am ignoring it.

But I digress, back to the Royal Butterflies

Doesn't it look pretty with all the purple lavender behind it?!

Our photographer even caught a butterfly in flight!
We sure hope she doesn't ask for a raise!!

I'm off to sniff some more flowers, we sure hope everyone has a magical weekend!!

Make sure join Arty and I next week for a special Nature Friday ~ Final Friday Fiction!

 Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE 
to our Hoppity Page.


Ahoy Mateys!

Avast ye maties!!  
Today be the day we scallywags turn into pirate kings!

Capn' Arty Scarecrow here, ye all batten down the hatches and raise ye ol' black jack!!

First Mate One Eared Jake reportin' for duty, where be our booty from the last Chewy Box...I have some destroyin' to do, they'll be no quarter for dem squeaky toys!

Cabin Pup Red Rosy, The Sassy Lady of Atlantis here and Greedy Gilly 'n me I found us a stowaway!!

 Yo Ho Ho...to Davy Jones Locker ye go Hermie!

 We be joining Phenny, Nellie, Kismet, and Shoko
for Talk Like a Pirate Day!