
Happy Birthday Smokey Bear!

 Hey Jakey...who is this little guy Mama is making us pose with today?

 This is Smokey Bear, Rosy. He teaches mini peeps all about wildfire prevention. Mama thought we might want to help celebrate his 75th birthday. He has been teaching humans all about fire safety and how to prevent wildfires since 1944!

Smokey taught Mama these Five Main Rules of Wildfire Prevention when she was just a little peep:
1. Only you can prevent Wildfires!
2. Always be careful with fire
3. Never play with matches or lighters
4. Always watch your campfire
5. Make sure your campfire is out before leaving it

Here is a little infographic showing a few more  tips:
We know, here in California, this time of year can be very dry and wildfires can ignite and spread very quickly. We are thankful that Smokey taught Mama and Daddy to be very careful with open flame!

 Wow Jakey, Smokey is a pretty important Bear...I hope he has the bestest birthday ever and remember, like Smokey Bear says...
"Only YOU can prevent Wildfires!"

You can read more about Smokey Bear HERE

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!



  1. Hari OM
    Well done Smokey!!! And well done LLB gang for spreading the message. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Happy 75th Birthday, Smokey! You are the most famous bear we know!

  3. Happy Happy Smokey! A great friend to all who treasure our beautiful outdoors!

  4. We have never met Smokey, but Mom says as a little girl, she was a huge fan and even had an honorary badge. He is cute.

  5. I have known Smokey all my life and all of his. I had no idea he was born the same year I was born...I wonder if he noticed just how good you both look in a photo with him... he is really cute but you Jakey outshine him. I hope people in CA are listening to smokey the bear

  6. A birthday well worth celebrating. But we think Smokey Bear needs to spread the word in Brazil too...

  7. Happy Birthday Mr. Smokey...you make me smiley
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Awe dis are a pawesome and very impawtant post!! We get lots of wildfires down here too so da peeps has to be super careful when we are in a dry spell. We wish Smokey a big happy 75th Birthday :)

    Matt & Matidla

  9. My humans all remember how to safely make and puf out a campfire because of Smokey.

  10. Awww, what a wonderful post about fire prevention. I live in California too and we are ever so careful as well. You're a great poser too.

    ♪♫Happy 75th Birthday, Smokey Bear.♪♫

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. My best to your peeps. ♥

  11. Awww! You are such cuties today - Happy Birthday Smoky Bear!

  12. Y'all are so cute with Smokey, he is such a hero bear!

  13. Thank you for giving Smokey a safe and fire free home

  14. Happy Birthday, Smokey! Our Cousin wrote the Smokey Commercial.


  15. Smokey the Bear is such a hero and to know he was a real-life bear is sweet.

  16. Happy birthday to the smartest bear in the forest! 🐻

  17. We had no idea Smokey was so old! Good job spreading his word, guys!
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets


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