
Coffee Walkies

 Last weekend, Daddy insisted on letting Mama go on our walkie. Usually, I would be annoyed....because when Mama goes on walkies with us I have to wear 
my silly harness AND a bandana. 

 But at our new place, it's worth it! When Mama joins us for our weekend walkies I know there is only one place we can be heading....
The coffee place!!!
 Mama gets her coffee and I get 
my very own Pup Cup!!!


Today, I am very thankful for Coffee Walkies!

Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!



Pawliday Toys


The Pawliday toys are back!!! 

 Today I am thankful our Pawliday toys are back, 
Thankful for all of you! 

We sure do appreciate you visiting us this month while we explored our thankfuls. This series taught us there is something, no matter how small,  to be thankful for everyday!



Santa Paws is Coming to Town

 We've been busy getting ready for the Pawlidays! 
I thought a little Santa funny today might help get us in the Pawliday Spirit even more!

 How much did Santa's Sleigh cost??

 Nothing...It was on the house!
Ugh, not sure how funny this one is,  
what do you think?

Today I  am thankful Santa Paws will be here soon 
(and hopefully he has a good sense of humor)!





Thankful for Pawliday Season

This year sure is flying by!  It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the beginning of 2022 and now it's almost time Santa Paws to visit again!  
Today, I am thankful all the holiday sparkles and shinies have made there way, out again!  We had a great time decorating over the long weekend.
I am also thankful that I am feeling better! Hopefully, at my next dogtor appointment(December 7th), I'll get a firm date on when  I can go outside without a leash and hang out with the pack again.
We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop! 




Reasons to Smile on NF/FFF/NT

Welcome to that wonderful Friday each month where Nature Friday comes together with YAM Aunty's FFF!!  Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the Rulez and join the FFF fun!!
This month it also falls into the Thankful Zone!
To celebrate, I have written this special poem:

 Reasons to Smile
by Rosy

I have so many reasons to smile,
So sit back and relax, this may take awhile!
Mama and Daddy would be at the top,
Snuggles, scritchies, they never stop.

Up next I am thankful for Jakey and Sunny
Then birdies and squirrels, let's not forget bunnies.

I dropped the ball
 I almost forget to mention you all!

Honorary Aunty's all over the planet,
Your love surrounds me like a big warm blanket!
Two Weims in France, with adorable nosies
and every Nature Friday they bring me pretty rosies.
A big pup in Florida, A kitty in Maryland, 
I have the best friends, there is no comparison!
From hiking in Scotland, to adventures in Oceanside,
 Some of you make us laugh 'til we cry.
There aren't enough thankfuls in this big wide world,
to tell you all just how much you mean to this girl! 
Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see the link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Happy (USA) Thanksgiving!

 "sniff...sniff...Is that turkey I smell?"
We want to wish everyone who is celebrating a very Happy Thanksgiving!

 We'll be celebrating by eating lots of turkey...
 ...and maybe some yams!!
 We'll also be watching some football and hopefully being thankful our teams won!

 How are you celebrating Thanksgiving??

Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


Thankful for Jakey

 For the three days before Thanksgiving, our pawrents insisted we turn our blog over to them. We are worried they might embarrass themselves, but reluctantly agreed.
 Hi All! 
For the three days leading up to the (USA) Thanksgiving we wanted to show our gratitude for our three crazy, cute and lovable pack members.
 We saved the best for last....

Thankful for Jakey
 There are not enough words to explain how grateful we are to have this 17 1/2 year senior guy in our lives. He is an expert  at adapting to any situation. The final original member of Dory's Backyard,  he was such a good brother to Dory, Bilbo and Arty. He continues the roll of patient and kind brother with both Rosy and Sunny!
As Jakey has aged, something you may not know we are thankful for is....
He is a sound senior sleeper! In the 4 years or so since he has lost his hearing, this sweet boy curls up on the big bed at bedtime, falls asleep and sleeps until the alarm goes off and we start our day!

 We are so very blessed to have Jakey in our lives and cherish every day we have with him.


Thankful for Rosy

 For the three days before Thanksgiving, our pawrents insisted we turn our blog over to them. We are worried they might embarrass themselves, but reluctantly agreed.
 Hi All! 
For these three days leading up to the (USA) Thanksgiving we wanted to show our gratitude for our three crazy, cute and lovable pack members.  
Today, we move on to our middle girl!
Thankful for Rosy
 Sassy yet loyal personality and expert snuggler are all things that come to mind when we think of some of the reasons we are thankful for Rosy.

 What you may not know about though.....

Rosy's enthusiasm when even faced with the possibility of her daily W-A-L-K is unmatched. She has been known to sit, stand or just stay by her Daddy's side for hours waiting for that magical time! We are so thankful to see the joy in her eyes as she anticipates heading out the front door!

We really hit the jackpot when we brought Rosy into the pack!


Thankful for Sunny


 For the three days before Thanksgiving, our pawrents insisted we turn our blog over to them. We are worried they might embarrass themselves, but reluctantly agreed.
 Hi All! 
For these three days leading up to the (USA) Thanksgiving we wanted to show our gratitude for our three crazy, cute and lovable pack members. 

How about we start with the youngest:
Thankful for Sunny

 There are so many reasons we are thankful for Sunny, her strength, her playfulness and her ability to adapt to everything she has been through are only a few that you may already know

 Here is something we are thankful about Sunny you may not know about:
Sunny gives the most delicate yet enthusiastic kisses and can often be found giving her Daddy kisses when he comes home from a hard day at work.

We are so very thankful to have this little fluffball
in our pack!


Thankful for Birdy Watchin'

In honor of the dellllllicious Turkey Day coming up in the US next week, today we are thankful for all the birds we get to ea...,
I MEAN watch, in the state of New Mexico!
Mama thinks these are female Red Winged Black Birds...since a flock of the males hangs out at our bird feeders.
Mama thought this might be an European Starling...but the beak is all wrong, maybe some type of sparrow??
 The Red Breasted Robins are making good use of the fountain, unless I am outside...then they hide up there in the trees teeheehee!

I try to remember to keep eyes open and to the skies for fly overs too!
The Sandhill Cranes are making their way back to our area.
I am pretty sure, Mama will be showing us more of these this Winter.

The Canadian Geese are also starting to arrive. Their honking can be heard here every morning as they head toward a nearby pond!

I really am thankful for all the birdies to chas....I MEAN watch...
Really I do! BOL

What is your favorite Winter Birdy??

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see the link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.



Thankful for My Couch

Today I am very thankful for my favorite place to view my backyard...
My Outside Couch! 
I talked Mama into leaving the cushions on until
the first really big snow, so I have a comfy spot to sit while I'm outside!
 From here I can see everything!
 Just the other day,
  I warned Mama of a scary balloon about to fly over the house. She ran out and shot at it right away(with her camera)!

 Of course the most important thing I watch for is over there on that birdy feeder....

He sure it a gutsy guy. I keep  chasing him away...
and he just keeps coming back!!

I'll keep chasing you, cheeky squirrel,
and one day I know I'll catch you.
But first, I'll need a nap on my favorite couch!

Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!