
Morally Deficient???

 I, Bilbo, was going over the footage on the debate with Jakey and Arty when I first saw it....

The "kids" didn't see it at first....


We need to go outside to discuss this...we don't want to bother
Dory with this, she is still recovering from the debate and is a bit out of it!!!

 Bilbo: It look likes Stanley may be "Morally Deficient" 
Arty and Jakey: What's that Bilbo??
Bilbo: Ummmm, I think it means that he is telling everyone that he DOESN'T have girls kissing him and he really DOES!!! 
I really think we need to get to the bottom of this.We need to see where he goes and who he talks to....after all
Blogville needs to know what kind of pup is really running for office!! 

 Bilbo and Jakey: Okay Bilbo....what do we do first??

Is Stanley Morally Deficient??
Was that really a kiss mark on Stanley's cheek??
Does Bilbo have a plan???

Tune in on Thursday for the next Episode of......
The Kiss

Visit Murphy and Stanley to learn what Stanley is up to there....

Visit BH & G to see how Bailey is handling the Stress

Visit Taffy to see how she is reacting to all the rumors


  1. This is a Great Dane sized drama!! We have our nose to the ground...

  2. OMD kisses and smoochies? Oh my, the scandal. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. This is getting GOOD! Where did that smooch come from???? You guys definitely need to get to the bottom of this!

  4. YES we saw it immediately and mom wants to know the shade of the lips...she likes the color...and we want to know most of ALL who left those lips on Stanley's cheek..
    Hugs madi your bfff

  5. Hari OM
    ....but but but... I was there, behind the scenes, I saw it, and I swear there is a plot afoot..errrr apaw... oh dear oh dear this won't do, no not at all... concernedly yours, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. What color lipstick does Dory wear? Maybe I should investigate dis.
    Ranger (Deputy Top Cop of Blogville)

  7. OMD OMD THIS will end up being called KISSGATE.... we are just sure of it...

    We are STUNNED... STUNNED we say...

    Note to self: No Wonder they call him MANLEY Stanley.

  8. What if it was just a "good luck kiss" from his mama?!? You better tread lightly...you don't want to be accused of slander. :-O

  9. such intrigue - lets get down and dirty and do some good old campaign mud slinging here :) :)

  10. Hey hey hey! Keep running a CLEAN campaign like you have been. No need to throw mud (or lipstick) around. You know what they say -- when you start throwing mud, you're the furst one who gets dirty!

  11. We have a feeling some buddy enjoyed that kiss
    Lily & Edward

  12. Have you checked to see where Willie Nelson was at the time of that kiss....just wondering....lol
    stella rose

  13. We can't wait to hear what Bilbo "digs" up, but we are hoping it was just a good luck kiss from his Mom.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  14. Wow, I saw that and wondered what the heck!?! OMD, that is not a good color of lipsick for him. BOL
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Pol Comm

  15. Yes Yes the Woo's are right!!! We are sure that is the same color lipstick that Murphy & Stanley's mom wears, Yes YES! we are sure of it!
    Mr Bailey & Hazel

  16. No comment.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & the kissable Stanley

  17. We suspicion you need to look closer to home, guys.

  18. OMD!!!!! I thinks maybe you dudes should as your Candy Date furst..she might know a thingie or two abouts that....just sayin'...
    Ruby ♥
    pees: Dory , I LOVED your dress at the Debate!!! FABulous gurl!!!

  19. Oh my goodness. That Blogville could have a morally deficient Mayor. Never! After all, we are not Toronto..
    Toodle pip!
    PS Thank you so much for your kind comments. At least being injured and only going for short walks gives me lots of time to follow the exciting Mayoral contest!

  20. Uh-oh
    A "no comment" can b interpreted in soooooo many wayz.
    Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta

  21. We noticed that kiss mark yesterday and were wondering what was up.

  22. You two will get to the bottom of it. CAnt wait to find out what happens

  23. GASP! So this is where it started! OH MY!


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