
California Coastal Cruisin'

Happy Travel Tuesday! 
Today we are joining Mini Arty as he takes us cruising along some of the California Coastline!!

Take it away, Mini Arty!!
 Thanks Dory!! 
Today we are going to take in the sights of the Northern Central California Coastline.  Daddy drove from San Francisco all the way to Big Sur along the Pacific Coast Highway!!
This is a pawsome drive, but a bit long. We stayed in Monterey,  splitting the trip into a couple of days to enjoy the scenery along the way!!

 There are lots of beautiful turn outs and parks along the beach where one can stop and enjoy the scenery!!

What's that Mr. Seagull??? There is a what....over where????

 Well howdy little guy!!

 As you can see, there is also various forms of wildlife to spot along the coast!! From seagulls to osprey....seals, sea lions and even real live sea otters!!!

I know, I know...SURPRISE, Mama found a lighthouse!! 
This is Pigeon Point Lighthouse, it is also a hostel! We even saw a few college students, who were hiking their way up the coast, staying here!

 Mama says it is very rustic looking....

 She made sure to take LOTS of pictures of it! 
I think it looks a bit spooky way up there on the bluffs, don't you??

 After the lighthouse, we headed south and before we knew it (or maybe the next day) we were in Big Sur!!

 We couldn't believe that just minutes away from the ocean there were such beautiful and lush forests!!!

We stopped for lunch at the River Inn, right on a river!!

 This guy "said" he was our waiter....I believed him, but Mama and Daddy thought we should maybe wait for a human waiter who wouldn't steal our nachos before they got to the table!!

 After lunch we headed north, back up the coast,  toward Monterey. These road are so very beautiful and twist and turn right the coastline! Just look at this statuesque bridge!!

 All those mountains right on the ocean made for a beautiful ride!

 With breath-taking views!

 We stopped and had a nice dinner, at a wharf, with a pretend lighthouse...cause we all know Mama and her lighthouse obsession, BOL!

 It was a most beautiful day!! 

Thanks so much for joining me on my Coastal Cruise!!

 Join us next week, when we wrap up our Central California trip with a trip to the Monterey Aquarium!!


Black and White Smiley Selfie Sunday

Life is like a mirror, 
we get the best results when we smile at it. 
~Author Unknown

We are joining Nola and Sugar for Black and White Sunday this week!!


We are also joining The Cat on My Head this week for Selfie Sunday

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Demolition Derby Royal Court

 Arty here, reporting live from the Demolition Derby....We are having a BLAST!!!  Jakey and I are here to announce the Derby King and Queen!! Take it away Jakey!!

 WAHOO!!! I am having a speedy good time here at the Blogville Demolition Derby!! Click HERE to head over to Oreo and check in and see who is in the lead!!!! 

Hungry, in need of some nommy Derby snacks?? Head over to Ziggy and Angel Sasha's Food Truck by clicking HERE.

 Let's take a break from the race and bow to the Royal Court of this year's Derby! 

What a nice looking bunch of Princes and Princesses we have this year but we know there can only be one King and Queen of the Derby! 

Blogville came out in force to vote for their King and Queen. It was a VERY close race!!



Please join us in congratulating the King and Queen of the 2015 Demolition Derby
Ziggy and Whitley!!!!!

Queen Whitley

King Ziggy

We hope everyone enjoyed this year's Demolition Derby Day, we can't wait until next year!!!


Flowery Beach-y FFHT

OMD....Summer is almost over, only 4 weeks left of Weekly Flower Friday!
Starting in October,  Flower Friday will move to monthly, on the First Friday of the month!

Today is also FFHT, hosted by our Honorable Mayorz, Murphy and Stanley! It's pretty easy peasy, you tell a story, and include a "special inclusion" that Murphy and Stanley have chosen. This month the phrase is:
"It would be really embarrassing if everyone knew . . ."

You can click HERE to go read more about FFHT! 

Look at those cool surfer dudes!!

This week's FFHT story is a TRUE story about Mama....but make sure you don't tell her I told you, ok??  She thinks "It would be really embarrassing if everyone knew . . ." I think it is kind of funny, and she IS only a human...and we all know they are not perfect!!

Beautiful flower-y trail to the ocean!
 You see, she thought today was the
BLOGVILLE DEMOLITION DERBY!!! Somehow she got the days mixed up, and thought today was August 29th......

California Poppy
 This morning she got up really early to count the votes for the Derby King and Queen, and was just about to push the magic button so you all could see our bloggy...I put my paw on her hand and told her that the Derby wasn't until TOMORROW!!!

A mothie-pillar
OMD....Now what was she going to do?? She had no postie for today and not only was it Flower Friday, but it was also FFHT!!! She was FREAKING OUT.....I told her to relax, and I would take care of everything!! Funny how things work out,  I just put these flower-y pictures we took at the beach and told you our true story and TADA, all done!

Stopping to smell the salt breezes
Sometimes, Mamas just stress too much! 

So...make sure you tune in TOMORROW for the Blogville Demolition Derby and the announcement of the Blogville King and Queen!!!


Vote HERE for King and Queen of the Derby!!

What a wonderful selection of Princes and Princesses we have for you today! There can only be one King and one Queen of the Derby tho, and it is up to you, Blogville citizens, to pick this year's Royal Court!

So without further ado, here is this years Princes and Princesses!

 Prince Casey

Princess Jessie

 Prince Stanley

Princess Madi

 Princess Hazel

 Prince Easy

Princess Whitley

Princess Cinnamon

 Prince Ziggy

 Princess Mabel

Princess Ruby and Prince Murphy

 Prince Travis

Prince Bailey and Hostess Dory

 Princesses Anne, in orange, and Abbe, in pink!

 Prince Marty

Prince Ralphie

Please vote for one Queen from the following Princesses:
1. Jessie
2. Madi
3. Hazel
4. Cinnamon
5. Mabel
6. Ruby
7. Anne
8. Abbe
 9. Whitley 


Please vote for one King from the following Princes:
1. Casey
2. Stanley
3. Easy
4. Ziggy
5. Murphy
6. Bailey
7. Marty
8. Ralphie 
9. Travis

So, in your comments you will leave two names. One for a King and one for a Queen!!

Mama has used magic so only she can see the ballots, so there are no worries about anyone seeing who you voted for!!
Stay tuned Saturday to see who you have chosen as King and Queen of the Demolition Derby!!!