
Edible Flower Friday and September Birthdays!

Happy September Effuryone!! 

Before we start Flower Friday, we want to wish all our Blogville September babies a very
September 6th - Oz
September 9th - Maddie the Pug
September 11th - Emma the GBGV
September 24th - Micah
September 29th - Ruby (I hope she has a margarita pawty!)
(want your birthday added to the Blogville Birthdays? Email the date to us a bethblog(at)ebchristians(dot)com and we'll make sure you are added to the calendar!)
Today, on Flower Friday, we are going to show you the Nastur-eaty-flowers that are in our...what's that Mama?? OH, sorry...they are Nasturtium Flowers!
Look behind me...they are growing all over the neighbor's fence!!

Mama says that in some restaurants around town you can find these flowers in salads, or used to help make the plates look pretty! That's why I call them Eaty-Flowers...because Mama eaties them!

They are also very pretty!!

Mama said it is safe for us to eaty them too, but they are veggie-tables, and that means they are good for me. Dory taught me to always hold out for things that aren't good for me, so I told Mama I'd pass!

Jakey is a different story though...BOL!!

Mama said she would see if she could find some at the Farmer's Market for Jakey to try. We find lots of peemail in these flowers, and for some reason, Mama doesn't think Jakey should eat them....

Mama loves the pretty red veins that run along the top petals...and how the vines grow through cracks in the fence!

They also grow all along the top of the fence!

Thanks so much for joining us for Flower Friday this week!
We hope everyone has a pawsome Labor Day Weekend!!!

Hop aboard and show us the flowers blooming in your corner of the world (If you don't see the link here, please click HERE to go to our Hoppity page)!!


  1. Hari OM
    Oh boyz... I used to have so many nasties around my OZ garden and I too used them for my salads, both the leaves and flowers ... and the seeds pickle like capers!!! Nom nom nom... all that and beautifurs too. Nature's a wonder, eh? Hugs and wags, YAM-auntyxxx

  2. love da edible flowers!!! I hope we will get them efurrywhere in my garden next year ;o)

  3. Those are beautiful flowers!! And, I have eaten them...they are very tasty!!

  4. We just love nasturtiums and so do the woodchucks. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  5. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh would mom squeal with glee if one of those purrty orange or red flowers was on her dinner plate. Your Mama's flower photos look good enough to reach through the monitor
    Hugs madi your bfff

  6. My Gramma would love those flowers as she loves those colors! I'm so excited it is my birthday month! Yay for birthdays!

  7. Those are beautiful, Mommy grew some from seeds one year and she LOVED them. They didn't come back though and we haven't seen anymore seeds. Mommy will have to remember to look for them again. And Mommy eats them too.

  8. they are beautiful and I did not know they are eatie flowers... I don't remember ever seeing them before.. also did not know they grow on a fence.

  9. I am not a good gardener, but am tempted to plant some of those in the spring. :)

  10. Very clever thinking of Mama! Love the flowers though. I wouldn't mind some in my garden, but the roses we have are pretty as well.

    Mara from Norway

  11. Those are so very pretty and we love how they grown through the fence and everywhere!
    Bet Hazel would eat those BOL!
    Hazel & Mabel

  12. We wouldn't mind some escapee flowers like that. We just get vines that come on our side of the fence and try to strangle our plants.

  13. OMD, PAWTY!!!! Yuppers, I'm tryin' to talk Ma into throwin' a PAWTY!!! I told her all of Blogville will be on their bestest behavior! hehehehe
    OH my those blooms are just amazin'!!! I loves the colors too.
    I hopes you guys aren't gettin' too smoked out up there. I hopes those fires are contained soon...this heat is a MONSTER! It's almost 8:30 and it's still 93 degrees! sigh
    Ruby ♥

  14. Those sure are pretty flowers. Let us know what they taste like if you give them a try.


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