
December Birthdays!!!

Happy Birthday to the Blogville December Babies!!
Co-Anchor of the BFTB NetWoof News Bentley on December 3rd
Brom over at Weighty Matters celebrates on December 6th

Cyndi over at the Funny Farm has a Birthday on the 21st

Christmas  over at Paw Province is celebrating on Christmas Day

With 2018 around the corner now is the pawfect time to get your name added to the Birthday Calendar! Email your birthday to:
bethblog (at) ebchristians (dot) com
to have our assistant add it to next year's Birthdays!


Thankful for Arty Thursday

Rosy here today to let you know how thankful I am for my brother Arty. He is showing me all the bad habits fun things we pups can do. 

This week he gave me a lesson on finding just the right grass to eat! He told me that, while fresh veggies that Mama offers us are icky, there is a wonderful salad selection in the back yard!

He even showed me where his prime selection of greens were.

What a great guy he is!

Most important of all, he taught me NOT tell the Mama when we are eating grass. For some reason most of the activities Arty teaches me are not Mama approved. That's ok though, like Arty says, it just makes it more fun!!

Thanks Arty, for teaching me all the forbidden secrets to being a dog!!

 We are joining Brian for the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop this week!


Training Tuesday with Rosy

 I am having lots of fun going to school every week. Here I am with my classmates Sophie, the brown doggy and Bruce, the black lab. We are all pretty fast learners. You see that man in the photo?? That is my professor, Julien...isn't he DREAMY???

 He gives me chicken and pets me and tells me what a pretty AND smart girl I am.
Then...he gives me more chicken.

I think I am going to marry him when I grow up....


Tis the Season!

No Jakey, it's not Antler and Ernie the Elf Season..Wellll, not JUST Antler and Ernie the Elf season anyway....that is a post for another time!

It's Howliday time, and we have some fun Howliday events we are planning here at Blogville City Hall!!
Before we get started, it seems many Blogville residents missed seeing the communications about the card exchange and are asking about it. Since time is getting short, last year's list can be emailed upon request, along with the new list. Email my assistant(aka Mama) at bethblog(at)ebchristians(dot) com and she, or Mabel's assistant(aka Mabel's Mama) will make sure you get copies lickedy split!

Now...let's talk about the other fun things going on in December!
Do you and your family have something special you do every Howliday season?? Maybe you make cookies, or visit a Christmas Village or go on a walk to see Howliday lights??
Make sure to save December 22nd to share your tradition post and hop aboard the Blogville Holiday Traditions Blog Hop! We can't wait to see how the Howlidays are celebrated all over the Blogville world!

Last, but by no means least, brush off your dancing shoes, get your fancy duds cleaned and be ready to celebrate New Year's Eve in style! Mabel and I will be decorating the Blogville Dance Hall, contacting Abby Lab and reserving Ruby's Margarita Truck for a New Year's Eve Bash that will usher in 2018 in style!!
Whether dog, cat, bird, bunny or any other anipal, ask your favorite dancing partner or come ready to find one, this is going to be the pawty of the year! 
Email your picture to our assistant(aka Mama) at
bethblog(at)ebchristians(dot)com by December 22nd! 
We will be doing our annual Blogville Portrait at the end of the pawty, so make sure to get your photos in!!
We hope to see you all around Blogville this Howliday season!! 


Black Dog on Selfie Sunday

Mama and I were in line at the cookie place(they also have Mama's coffee there) and I told Mama the light was just right to show off my lovely new red traveling harness in this week's Selfie!

We are  joining The Cat on My Head this week for the Selfie Sunday Blog Hop!


Caturday Art-y and Jakey

Final Friday Fiction with Mama

Hi everyone! Today, after a bit of bribing with Greenies,  the Boyz and Rosy have agreed to hand the reigns over to me so I could take part in Yamini's Final Friday Fiction!  This story took a much different turn than I thought it would....thanks so much to Yam for helping me venture out of my comfort zone a bit!

I have taken my prompt from the 87th page of my favorite book, Stephen King's "The Stand". 
Her hands dropped to her sides,  he saw an unnatural sparkle in her eyes, as if her life depended on it.

She felt warm air mixing with the cool wind as she started out, her hands dropped by her sides, and  knew things would be better.  It had been a long winter, darkness and loss seem to be around every corner and she was looking forward to a nice brisk walk to renew her spirit.

It had been ages since she walked these trails. As her feet splashed through the muddy trail, she reflected on the past winter, the loss of her best friend and the pain that followed. For awhile she didn't know how she would survive, the grief was as sharp and deep and even the happy memories seem to bring pain. She was startled when she heard a raven crow in, was he greeting the morning or reminding her of her loss? 

The pain would ebb and flow, rising as she came upon a place they had been together or a memory of a time spent together. Tears would come at the most unexpected times and her heart would hurt so bad she didn't know if she would survive. Then, she felt a calming influence fall over her, and the clouds of sadness parted as the sun peaked through.

She felt her friend letting her know she must break through the darkness, as if her life depended on it, and find some light in the world. She needed to do the things she loved, to take a good look at herself and find happiness once again.

 She felt a smile growing on her lips as she felt a calm she hadn't felt in a long time.
A Blue Heron looked up at her and must have seen an unnatural spark in her eye put there by her best friend.  Although she still felt her friend with her, the pain would lessen now and more smiles would come as she remembered all the times she and her friend shared.

 After months of the sadness that came along with the bitter, winter rain, the clouds would clear and the sun would once again bring the flowers and lift her spirits.

The End


Happy Thanks-Blogville!

On Thanks-Blogville Day we take a minute to reflect on all the wonderful things we are thankful for in Blogville!

Jakey here, and I am thankful for all our furiends in Blogville, both old and new! We have made so many furiends in Blogville in the past 8 years. Friends who have been with us through good times and bad times. Even though some of them may not visit Blogville as much anymore, or may have gone to the Rainbow Bridge, they will live in our hearts forever!

Very well said Jakey! I am also thankful for our furiends, and thankful that Blogville has given us the chance to meet many of our furiends in real life!

You got that right Arty!! I am so very thankful because without Blogville, I may never have found you and Jakey or Mama and Daddy!!

Boy, all this thanking has made my HUNGRY....where is that turkey Mama???

Let us know why you are thankful for Blogville and hop aboard the 
Thanks-Blogville Blog Hop!


Tuesdsay's are Tasty as a #chewyinfluencer

 Mama said because I, Jakey, have been such a good boy and let Rosy chew on me play with Rosy all the time, I could  pick an item and do this month's #chewyinfluencer review all by myself! 

 I  made my selection from the Chewy Influencer newsletter email Miss Natalie sent and Mama ordered it using our special influencer code! Before I could say pumpkin, my most favorite treat was sitting on our doorstop! 

Guess what it was???

That's right, this month I am reviewing
Pumpkin Spice Flavored Greenies!!

 I gave them a sniff. Mmmmmmm, I could smell the pumpkin!

 Looks like they are pretty much just like our normal Greenies with the exception of dried pumpkin and extra spices...

 We get the "Petite" size, but Greenies come in other sizes too! 

Time for the taste test, Mama!
They have same nommy Greenies texture and the Pumpkin Spice flavor will be the pawfect Thanksgiving dessert!! I might even let Arty try one(Rosy is still a bit too young to try them).

Same nommy Greenies crunch too!!!

I give these nommy Greenies FOUR paws up, and would recommend them for anyone's Thanksgiving dessert!!
As a #chewyinfluencer, I was given a bag of Pumpkin Spice Greenies in exchange for my(and Mama's) true blue opinion!

We are joining the Chewy.com Blogger Network Blog Hop!! 
Thanks to Koru Bear for hosting!


Just Keep Digging?

 I learned something new today....it seems that digging is frowned upon in my yard. 
WHAT THE WHAT?!?!  33.3% of the yard is MINE and I should be able to do what I want with it, right???

There I was working on my hole to China, when the Mama came up and told me I had to stop my excavation!!! 
Can you believe it??? 

Here is a short video so you can see the progress I was making when I was rudely interrupted:
You can watch it HERE on YouTube

Maybe Mama will listen to my friends. Do YOU think I should be able to dig in MY 33.3% of the backyard???

OH...and don't forget, this Thursday is the
Thanks-Blogville Day Blog Hop!
The Hop is set up and ready to go over HERE on our Hoppity Page!