
Celebrating Dr. Seuss Day!

Happy Dr. Seuss Day!
Above is Mama's most favorite Seuss Poem. You see, she grew up with Dr. Seuss. Her Mama used to read his stories to her back in the stone age when she was a little girl.

Today, Dr. Theodor Seuss Geisel would have been 114 years old! We reminded Mama this is OUR blog and to celebrate Dr. Seuss's barkday WE wanted to write our OWN Seuss-y poems!

So here goes....
I'm Thing One
and I don't like Fun,
If I hear a puppy howl
You will hear me 
growl, growl, growl!

I'm thing Two
I like to snuggle
Yep, just like a buggle
I will
snuggle, snuggle, snuggle!

Thing Three here
and I like to bark
Yep, even in the dark
I bark, bark, bark!!

...and there you have it, our Dr. Seuss Poems!
What is your favorite Dr. Seuss Poem or character?
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Make sure hop around and see all the fun Dr. Seuss posts!


  1. We love your Susicallness!
    You make great Thing 1, Thing 2 and Thing 3s! I too am a Thing!

  2. Oh I bet the doctor would give you standing ovations for such fabulous pawetry!!!

  3. Those are wonderful poems☺

  4. The Cat (Not In) The Hat. Come by our blog to see.

  5. Hari OM
    Three things had their say
    on the Dr's special day
    they growled and snuggled
    and woofed their bark
    now to see others...
    oh what a lark!!!
    Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Good Dogs, PAT PAT PAT!,
    No one could doa better job than that.
    Good Dogs, PAT PAT PAT

  7. Things 1 2 and 3....you all made my smile so wide I think it was a mile!

    Darlin' and we love the Mama's favorite poem too
    Hugs madi your bfff

  8. You each did a great job on your poems. Why do you bark so much Rosy? Do you want to play with your brothers and they ignore you?

  9. You all look adorable. Great Dr. Seuss post! Thank you for hosting.

  10. pawesome pawesome tribute and sooooooooooo adorable! I am Dakota's kitty brother and I am the one who participated today !! Have a pawesome Seussical day!!!

  11. Arty, I didn't know you are such a curmudgeon.
    Jakey, you can snuggle with us any day.
    Rosy, you and Xena would have a blast barking together.
    Happy Dr. Suess Day, my furry friends.

  12. Geood morning! You are looking very Seussy!

  13. I'll join you in the bark bark barking, Rosey! If you've got such a grreat voice, you should let it be heard!

  14. I grew up with Dr Seuss, it must have encouraged my imagination. like all your "things"

  15. Fantastic poems and we love that quote. Dr Seuss had so many memorable lines. You've done him proud.

  16. Very Seussical you all are today.

    What a great way

    to celebrate the big day!!!

    Happy Dr. Seuss Day.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  17. Mom was 7 of 8 children and her Mom just couldn't face Dr. Seuss when Mom's turn came along. Thankfully, she had older brothers and sisters who could read and loved the books. Just don't ask grandma about Green Eggs and Ham. It sends her a little off the deep end.

  18. WOWZERZ y'all r so talented - even your mom. Love your poemz. Our mom slept in late today butt finally got up so she cood help us git our Dr.Seuss post finished an'linked up b'4 it wuz time fer NEXT year'z post.
    Lady Shasta'n Miss Maizie

  19. some very good poems for DR Seuss Day! Our mom was too busy working on some school posters for teacher daughter and did not help us get anything ready.
    Bad Mom Sad Mom
    Sad Pugs Mad Pugs

    Hazel & Mabel

  20. Those were great poems. We think Dr. Seuss would be proud.


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