
Mischief Monday at the Movies

So there I was in the bedroom the other night, when Mama closed her closet door...and OMD, look who showed up!!  

I asked Mama to document the occasion for future investigation with this short movie:

 You can also watch the movie HERE


 Needless to say I was very confused on why this cute puppy was doing in Mama's closet mirror!!

Has anyone else had a run in with one of these shady characters??


  1. Hari OM
    OMD Rosy, an impawster!!! Keep us posted on any further sightings. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. that is the question of all questions... who is that pup what acts exactly like we? If you find it out please let me know, Rosy ;O)))

  3. Yeah, dat dog in da mirror are cute, but she has attitude problems. I has to growl her for growling me!

  4. Wow TWO beautiful cutie pies in your house!!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  5. OMD, you have a twinsie, Rosy!

  6. Oddly the Dog only shows up when Katy jumps up on the bed at dresser height.

  7. None of us have ever been interested in mirrors, but we know lots of cats and dogs are. Watch out for the mystery dog.

  8. OMCs Rosy Posy SP....you just never know what will pop out of the closet's inner sanctums. Every so often I see anudder me on mom's dresser but I give it my back of disrespect.
    Love love your video
    Hugs madi your bfff

  9. You both are looking super cute Rosy!

  10. HELP I am laughing and i can't stop... Oh Rosy two of you is just to much to handle. love your sweet little growly voice...

  11. Hey Rosy, both of you are so cute. Did you ever figure out where that other cute dog came from?

  12. That happened to us when we stayed in a hotel room for the BAR, and a strange pup appeared just as Jessie was investigating the mirror by the door. It really took her by surprise, but she protected our room well!

  13. It is a mystery those strikingly familiar pups that appear from nowhere. I met one of those cute pups when I was just little. you can watch my reaction here https://youtu.be/G8fHhZUpgH0


  14. I almost exploded from cuteness overload! I miss those adorable puppy days. XXOO

  15. Rosy, we think you have some investigating to do, maybe even enlist your brothers for help. Someone is trying to clone you and we know there is only ONE real Rosy!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  16. Bol, those pals don't know how to play very well!

  17. Yap images of dogs that look identical to us appear in our living room cabinet that is shiny.

  18. OMD, I had one of those when I was a wee lass! For some reason, she went away.....
    Yours is ADORABLES!
    Ruby ♥

  19. That is so cute. Our girls have done the same thing


  20. Rosy, Avalon has a mirror twin too. She is also very intrigued by her! ;p

    the critters in the cottage x

  21. This is SO funny and irresistible. We watched the video several times, and I wish I would've taken a video of SCOUT watching Rosy and the mystery dog! Thanks for the advice about how to add videos to the blog. I appreciate all the help I can get. I will definitely try the YouTube thing next time.

  22. Oh yes Rosy we nose all about the mirror pets! They can sneak up on ya sometimes and scare the bejesus out of ya ;)

    Matt & Matilda

  23. You are such a silly....and adorable....girl, Rosy! ♥

  24. hello rosy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i do not think i hav ever seen wun of those things befor but maybe dada has on akkownt of he keeps singing sumthing like hoo ar yoo hoo hoo hoo hoo i think he is dooing an owl impersunayshun or sumthing!!! ok bye


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