

 We wanted to take a minute to apologize to everyone about all the confusing changes and construction going on here in Our Backyard lately.  Mama had these grand visions of building a beautiful new blog home all by herself
...with no help....from anybody...
At the same time, Mama had this vision of a new REAL home, bigger with more space for us to run around.

 She thought she could get our real home ready to sell AND get our blog home ready at the same time. As you might be able to tell, that's not working out so well.
Thank goodness Miss Ann at Zoolatry came to Mama's rescue and gave us a whole new look for the Spring and Summer months. We also sat Mama down and had her update things like our email address, and our "Follow by Email" widget. If you followed us before via email, you will need to "re-subscribe" and fill out the Feed Burner thingy again.

The For Sale sign on our Northy North California home goes up in two weeks...and Mama warned us that's when the craziness and packing will really begin. We are staying in the same area, probably even in the same town, but we need some more space for playing fetch and chase and stuff.

Please excuse our Mama's mess, and forgive blame
Mama if we aren't commenting as much as usual or blogging on the weekends until after all this moving stuff is done.



  1. all paws and fingers are crossed for a smooth moving and we hope that all things work like eggs-pected...

  2. Moving is very exciting but very draining on the peeps. Your blog looks beautiful!

  3. Hari OM
    I love the bloggy makeover - it made me 'oooh' out loud!!! Golly gosh, you are in for a ride with all these plans. I put up a prayer that your home sells quickly and the new one arrives in a timely fashion! Hope you can find time to give us progress repawts!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Your new look is pawsome! We also subscribed again. No one wants to loose their friends just because they move :)

  5. Well, I LUFFS your blog make over, its lovely to see a bit SPRING!
    AND, you're gonna haf a new BIG garden to romp in....that's just the bestest news ever!!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  6. Oh my moving goodness, I hope all the packing goes well!

  7. your new looks is GORGEOUS!!!! I love it, love it, love it!!! yay for a new home.. i had no probems, i follow in feedly and everything came up fine. did the email change from what i have in my contacts?

  8. We got the news from Ann and we are all set up for following again. MOVING is very exciting!! A LOT of work...but exciting nonetheless!! Good luck in finding exactly what you are looking for! The dogs will LOVE more yard!! Your new blog is BEAUTIFUL!! :)

  9. Well Mayor ARty, Jakey and Rosy SassyPants good things like this new look are surely worth waiting for Bravo to Miss Ann and we love love love the new look
    We'll sign up for email notice again right now.
    Hugs madi your bfff
    Thank you 87 xs for helping set up our blog hop!!

  10. Mayor Arty...mom rec'd this comment from Pierre and Bentley's mom
    M. K. ClintonMarch 12, 2018 at 1:29 AM
    I am not sure what happened when I entered my link but it zapped before my photo resized. I have no idea how to correct it but if you do, please let me know.
    She was trying to link up to hop and it got messed up and got crazy words. Can you please ask your mama if she delete that. It is between Ruby and LoneStar Cats
    Hugs madi

  11. Oh boy, moving is EXCITING! Make sure your momma doesn't furget to pack your toys, and otherwise you're all set. There's a whole new place to explore, a backyard to mark, new sunpuddles to discover...it's the best!

  12. We thought your blog looked good before the change, but what a nice job Ms. Ann did - her work is always amazing!!!. We send you lots of good wishes and good luck with the upcoming sale and purchase of a new place. Hope all goes very smoothly.

    Woos- Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. That was sure a lot for your Mom to try to take on all at once. But the blog looks great, and it's very exciting you're looking for a new home!
    We did the same thing a couple years ago. We actually stayed in the same town but bought a house with a lot more land, and only one level to make it easier for our aging pets. It was the best thing we ever did. Good luck with it all!
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. Oh YES!!! We know first-paw all about this movin' stuff....and how horrible it can really be! We still haven't totally recovered from our move either! Here's wishin you lots of luck but I think you's gonna do just fine. Oh...and we love your new blog backyard! :)


  15. We love love love your new spring look. Funny - we had no problem at all with your blog addy change - it changed automatically on our reader list.
    Hazel & Mabel

  16. Your blog is looking great. We hope you can find a house with a yard as big as ours (we have about 1 acre inside our fence). It will be a lot of work and probably some chaos during the transition.

  17. Your beautiful blogs are worth the patience. We wish you luck in moving. It is always stressful. Your new page looks beautiful

  18. Wells, your bloggie looks FABulous as always guys! Your Moms never takes a wrong turn! New digs??!!! Oh wows! How funs! Can I come with you????
    Ruby ♥

  19. OMD dat are all exciting changes. Your blog looks lovely and we can't wait to see your new place and all your wide open spaces fur playing and chasing stuffs :)

    Matt & Matilda

  20. Oh, wow! Is that ever exciting! We hope all goes well.

  21. hello evrybuddy its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow pulling up stayks and mooving to a noo doghowse??? with ekstra rum to run arownd in??? how eksiting!!! i meen i hav never moovd myself but tucker and trixie moovd a kuple of times and they told me storeez abowt it!!! ennyway i hope yoo find a nice noo playse soon with lots of luvly grass to roll arownd in!!! ok bye


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