Thanks so much for all the wonderful birthday wishes yesterday! I had a wonderful day helping Mama unpack and helping Daddy put together furniture...or maybe napping and playing outside.
Today we are continuing my Birthday celebration with Flower Friday!
After Mama and I did my Birthday Crown photo shoot, we went for a adventure walkie through the hills in search for one of Mama's favorite flowers...
The grass was full of wonderful smells as Mama and I hit the trail, and before long, we saw them....
Lupines!!! As you may remember, one of Mama's favorite flowers is the Texas Bluebonnet, which is a member of the lupinus family...
These beauties are also a member of the lupinus family!
Plus, they are surrounded my great smells!
You can see these beautiful purple-y-blue blooms everywhere during May

They always look especially beautiful when they grow along the hillside!
What a great Mama and Me day I had for my Birthday!!
Tomorrow, I'll wrap up my Birthday week and show you the
PAWSOME pressie I got from my sweetie Mabel!!
Speaking of Birthdays, look who else has a birthday coming up in June:
June 20th - Angelique - Lone Star Cats
June 21st - Xena - Lexi the Schnauzer and Friends
(Not on Calendar)June 23rd - Katy - Sheltie Times
June 21st - Xena - Lexi the Schnauzer and Friends
(Not on Calendar)June 23rd - Katy - Sheltie Times
I hope you enjoyed our hillside stroll among the lupines and we hope you have a pawsome weekend!!!
Flower Friday
Flower Friday here in Our Backyard is
all about spreading cheer, while sharing a bit of your corner of
Blogville! Just post a picture of flowers blooming, or any nature
picture(with or without your pet) and hop aboard!!
Please click HERE if you don't see the linky below