Today I, Rosy, am here with my friend Timmy the Turtle to wish you a very happy Tongue Out Turtle Tuesday and update you on a couple of things happenin' here around Our Backyard!
First, thanks to everyone for their concern for us during the wildfires raging in California. We are so very blessed and live on the"Lost Coast" where it is rare for wildfires to reach. We are sending POTP to those 150 miles west of us who are suffering from the devestating Carr Fire. This is only one of many fires burning in our region and we pray the weather cools off so the dedicated firemen can contain these fires soon!

Next, my big brother Arty could use a bit
of POTP. He has been having a VERY bad allergy season this year and, on
top of that, it seems he has contracted some kind of upper respiratory
infection. He has a bigtime snuffy nose..and his eyes are watering lots
too. He went to the V-E-T yesterday and they stole some of his nose
bubbles to see exactly what is going on. The also gave Mama some
antibiotics to give him, and he is taking Zyrtec for the snuffles. All
of us(Arty included)were vaccinated for two different flu strains...but
Arty is pretty popular, even with flu germs I guess...
Needless to say, nobody around here
has gotten much sleep, so we may not be around as much as usual this week.
Finally, I wanted to tell you about my cool new friend Winnie!
It all happened when I had to go potty in the wee hours of Saturday morning(I knew I shouldn't have had that last drink of water). Mama put her robe on and we went downstairs. Mama opened the door and I went out to do my business. Then I smelled "her" over in the next yard eating some delicious garbage, it was Winnie the Bear! Of course I barked my hello...Mama isn't big on me barking at 3:30am for some reason, so she came over to get me...well MAMA scared Winnie and she took off. Then Winnie scared Mama and Mama freaked out and wanted me to go inside, pronto! Can you believe it?! Well...I avoided Mamas moves, and followed Winnie along the fence line until she scampered over the neighbors back fence! Mama was kinda in shock(because the LAST thing she expected was to see a bear) so I decided maybe going in was a good idea... Then I went in and back to sleep, Mama not so much...

Mama spent the rest of the morning looking out the window
and saying a few HBO words about the neighbors not cleaning up and
storing their garbage in proper garbage cans with lids! In retrospect,
Mama is more frightened of what could happen to the bear if someone
reports him, than she was about me(although she is already threatening a
recall refresher). Mama did not report the bear, but she did talk to
the neighbors about cleaning up their garbage to avoid any further
confrontations. Mama has also put midnight potty runs on hold for now...
We hope you are having a Happy, Smiley
Tongue Out Turtle Tuesday!