
Flashback Nature Friday

Due to lack of walkies...and too much rains and lazy Mamas, we haven't seen any nature beyond our back yard for awhile. I am happy to report the flooding rains have stopped and Mama and Arty went exploring today to see the high river and big trees. Mama even pawmised I will be able to go for a walkie when they get back! 

Anyways I told Mama she could repost my first ever Nature Walkie post from last May. 

... FYI...I am no longer afraid of ducks!
(feathers are still pretty scary tho!)

We will be back with a brand new Nature Friday next week!

Original Post May 24, 2018
Thankful For Nature Walkies...I think

 This week,  Mama took me on my very first walk at Arcata Marsh! I had a blast walking on the trails and trying to chase listening to the little tweety birds!

 I met this little guy along the trail...

 Mama says he is just your basic, everyday slug and not tasty at all. So I decided not to eat him...I did get a little lick in though, boy was he slimy!

 Mama tried to get me to pose in front of these pretty lupines...but guess what she forgot?
Yep, no cookies...and we all know the motto right??
"No cookie, no lookie!"
I did smile for her though, cause you know...she might stop by the cookie place on the way home, right?

 Then I came across this SCARY thing!!! Mama says it is a feather...I say it is EVIL and should be avoided at all costs!!

 Then things got REAL scary....this BIG GIGANTIC DUCK jumped out in front of me!! Mama thought I might go all barky on him...Not me, I am a good girl and tried to hide behind Mama didn't bark at all!

Mama directed a little video of my walk and scary encounters

You can also watch it HERE on YouTube

Thanks for joining me for my fun Nature Walkie today!
Mama and I are thankful we live in a beautiful part of the USA that is full of all kind of places for nature adventures! 
OH, and we are also thankful for the cookie place, where we are going now....Right Mama??

 Show us your nature! It can be a picture of your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a walk! Any kind of nature picture will do(does not have to include a pet)!

Don't forget to join us tomorrow for the 
Dr. Seuss Blog Hop!


Thankful for Rainy Day Activities!

Today we want to say how very thankful we are for rainy day activities. It has been raining here for the past week straight...and not the drizzly rain  that stops after awhile, we can tolerate that on short walkies. It has been the steady, Mama has to make us go out to go potty rain! Anyways, my favorite rainy day activity is napping...I could nap all day long! Besides naps, I enjoy a couple of photo shoots, and maybe a game of evening "house-fetch". 
I sure am looking forward to some sunny sun puddling as soon as the rain goes away and the sun comes back!

I, Arty, love a good chewy! My favorite at the moments is this nommy water buffalo horn!

It can keep me busy for an hour or so at a time! Like Jakey, I also love to nap and Mama says I am her go to guy for modeling sessions! Nothing wrong with getting treats while looking at the flashy beast!

What's that your chewing on Rosy?

I'm still working on my Ziwi Venison bone, Arty...and the answer is NO, I don't need help!

I have been SOOOOO BORED during all this yucky rain. I would go out and play in it, but Mama says being a wet doggy is no way to spend the day.

Besides bone chewin', 
Mama and I have been doing lots of training during the rains. I am learning lots of new tricks and commands and the answer is NO MAMA, I will most likely will not doing any of my tricks in public!

What indoor activities are you thankful for during the Winter months??

 We are joining Brian for the 
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


Wintery Tasty Tuesday #ChewyInfluencer

Is is us, or is Winter overstaying its welcome? This means WAY too much rain in our part of Blogville but, for a lot of you, we know it means artic cold, along with snow and ice!  All we know is because our walkies are being cut short, we are getting a bit stir crazy! 

We were so happy when Mama said it was time for us to go to work on our next #ChewyInfluencer review! Today we are reviewing a very nommy treat, Natural Balance, Limited Ingredient Diets, Lamb Flavored Chewy Bites! 

We were given a bag of 
Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Diets, Lamb Flavored Chewy Bites from Chewy.com in exchange for our(and maybe Mama's) honest to goodness, true blue opinion. 
Here are some of the great things Mama likes about
Natural Balance, Limited Ingredient Diets, Lamb Flavored Chewy Bites!
  • Lamb is the very first ingredient!
  • They only have one protein source and two carbohydrate sources, making them great for pups like me(Arty) who do better with a Limited Ingredient Diet!
  • 100% free of grains, fillers, chicken and potatoes...also good for pups like me, who might have food sensitivity issues!
  • No artificial flavors, colors or fillers!
  • Good for pups in all stages of life, from puppy to senior and everyone in between, kinda like our pack!

We all have our eye on the prize as we wait for the taste test!! Chewy Bites come nice size sticks for small to medium pups like us. Mama says she will be breaking them in half and quarters for training though...

OMD, these treats are soooooo delicious!!

I give it my #TongueOutTuesday tongue of approval for sure!!

Mama asked if we were up for some "boxing" and we said SURE as long as we could get some more of those nommy Lamb Flavored Chewy Bites!! We made a video to share with you...Jakey doesn't box, but he did want to share his trick with you too!

You can also view the Video HERE on YouTube

Thanks so much to the #ChewyInfluencer team for giving us the opportunity to review Natural Balance, Limited Ingredient Diets, Lamb Flavored Chewy Bites! We are proud to be a part of a company that values its customers as much as Chewy.com does!!

Dr. Seuss Blog Hop Deets!

 On MY have you heard,
the date is secured!
No need to fear,
The Blog Hop is near!

 You can click HERE or on any of the badges on our page if you need or would like to "pre-post" your information for the
Dr. Seuss Day Blog Hop!

We can't wait...and don't worry...
Arty and Rosy should be back to themselves by then!!


Final Nature Friday Fiction featuring Arty the Great

 Happy Friday and welcome to the first of my monthly installments of Arty's Adventures where I will do my best to mix together Nature Friday with...

...the page 87 fun of Final Friday Fiction with adventures starring Moi, Arty!
Make sure to visit YAM Aunty, HERE to get the Rulez..and join the fun!!

 This week's page 87 is from The Immortalists, written by Chloe Benjamin. Mama says she recommends this book highly!

-line 8 ~ muscle groups no one else has ever heard of - but
-line 12 ~ it should calm him but it doesn't: he feels like he
-line 16 ~ someone else scrawled at the bottom of the flier in

 Now...on with my tail~
 It was a windy morning when Mama and I started out our morning walkie.  I was enjoying the sun on my face when suddenly I there was a LOUD clap of thunder!!

 It was the loudest sound I ever heard  on one of my walkies! I scanned the horizon and yep...there, heading right for Mama and I was a big rainy thunder storm!

 I was trying to figure out how I would navigate back to the safety of the car,  when I met Seamore the seagull! Seamore assured me he could get me(and Mama) back to the park entrance before the storm reached us!!

I kept an eye on Seamore and made sure Mama kept up with me as we navigated the dangerous trails!

 Feels like the rain is right behind us Mama, hurry up before Seamore flies away!!

What's that Seamore? The parking lot is beyond the next building but,  we need to run? 

RUN MAMA, RUN before the ghosties get us! 
It's a haunted building!!

 Whew...thanks for the warning, Seamore! Someone else, might have walked by the haunted building and gotten attacked by ghosties for sure!!

I can see the car from here Seamore! Thanks again for getting us back to the park entrance with a few minutes of sun to spare!!

The End....until my next adventure!


Thankful for Jakey Walkies

 Today, I am thankful for cloudy day walkies...

...with my Jakey!
(don't worry, Arty is home napping after his morning walkie!)

 We are joining Brian for the 
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


Sleepy Wordless Wednesday

We're joining Comedy Plus for Wordless Wednesday



Tongue Out Tuesday with Arty and Mini Mabel!

 On Valentine's Day, my Best Gal Mabel sent me the most wonderful pressies!!! Do you see the bestest part of the pressies?? Yep, that's right...it's a MINI-MABEL!!
Even though MM(MiniMabel) isn't half as beautiful as the RL(real-life) Mabel, I know she will be great company...We already have lots in common!!

 Mama made us pose for pictures...

 All we could think about was when the heck was Mama going to be done clicking, so we could taste some of those nommy smelling Smooches!

That's when "IT" happened, and I KNEW we were going to be great furiends!
We BOTH gave Mama raspberries at the same time!!!

 Thanks so much for my pressies, Mabel!
MM is going to be great company, but I can't wait to spend time with the RL you this Spring!!

Now MM, how about we have a couple more of these Smooches!!