Welcome to that special time of the month where imagination meets nature!
That's right, it's time for:
Today's "page 87" is from a recent book Mama read for her book club called "An Olive Grove at the Edge of the World" written by Jared Gulian.
-line 8 ~ But when I went to pour
-line 12 ~ putting them into the crate
-line 16 ~ down the row and started setting
Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the Rulez and join the fun!!

This month I, Rosy, will be reading a story to go along with Mama's pictures of the Dahlias at the beautimous Sequoia Gardens!
Once upon a time, a Lhasa Princess named Rosy wanted her very own Flower Garden.
She begged and pleaded with her Mama, but to no avail.

"But Mama, when I went to my BFF's garden, they had the prettiest pink flowers!"

Her Mama tried to explain that gardens take a lot of work, and although they had tried before, they had not been able to get a garden to grow!

Princess Rosy's Mama asked if she might enjoy a walk
in the Royal Sequoia Gardens.
"Oh yes Mama, that sounds grand!"
So, into the Royal Rogue Carriage the went.

They saw a plethora of beautimous flowers!

Fairy hat flowers with bees underneath

...and hydrangea flowers
But the dahlias were the most beautiful!

The white ones with the purple edges were the prettiest of all!

Before she knew it they were on their way back to the palace. Rosy thought about her walk around the Royal Garden and started to smile. Maybe there is something to be said about visiting a beautiful garden, instead of growing one at home!

us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a
picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE
to our Hoppity Page