
Nature Final Friday Fiction

Welcome to that special time of the month where imagination meets nature! 

That's right, it's time for:
Today's "page 87" is from a recent book Mama read for her book club called  "An Olive Grove at the Edge of the World" written by Jared Gulian.
-line 8 ~ But when I went to pour
-line 12 ~ putting them into the crate
-line 16 ~ down the row and started setting

Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the Rulez and join the fun!!

This month I, Rosy, will be reading a story to go along with Mama's pictures of the Dahlias at the beautimous Sequoia Gardens!

Once upon a time, a Lhasa Princess named Rosy wanted her very own Flower Garden.

She begged and pleaded with her Mama, but to no avail.

 "But Mama, when I went to my BFF's garden, they had the prettiest pink flowers!"

Her Mama tried to explain that gardens take a lot of work, and although they had tried before, they had not been able to get a garden to grow!

Princess Rosy's Mama asked if she might enjoy a walk
in the Royal Sequoia Gardens.
"Oh yes Mama, that sounds grand!"
So, into the Royal Rogue Carriage the went.

They saw a plethora of beautimous flowers!

Fairy hat flowers with bees underneath

...and hydrangea flowers

But the dahlias were the most beautiful!

The white ones with the purple edges were the prettiest of all!

Before she knew it they were on their way back to the palace. Rosy thought about her walk around the Royal Garden and started to smile.  Maybe there is something to be said about visiting a beautiful garden, instead of growing one at home!

 Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE 
to our Hoppity Page


Thankful for Football Thursday

 This week we are thankful that football season is here!

 I'm routing for the NY Giants this year!

 I think the San Francisco 49ers are going to go all the way to the Snooperbowl this year!!

Excuse me you two, but the NFL doesn't start for another week. The Longhorns play this weekend though, and I am all about College Football this year!
Hook 'Em!!

Do you have a favorite football team??

We are thankful our pawrents like football just as much as we do!!
 We are joining Brian for the 
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

 Today we are remembering our furry family members who have gone to the Rainbow Bridge.

Addie Cat May 1987 - July 2005
Addie was Mama's first Adult Pet. Through good times and bad, Addie stuck by her side.
You can read all about Miss Addie HERE

Mama can still be seen crying for Miss Dory when she thinks we're not looking. They had a very special bond Mama had never shared with a pup before. Dory was patient with all the silly costumes Mama had her wear and loving from the day she came home, until the moment she left this earth.  Dory's paws will be hard to fill, but the most important thing she taught Mama was there is always room in your heart to love another pup!

 We miss you everyday Angel Dory!

 Bilbo was the pup who broke Mama and Daddy in for us. He was their first pet as a married couple. Diligent and a bit OCD,  Bilbo did his best to boss Mama and Daddy around until he had them pretty much trained(although they do need constant refresher sessions by us!).

 We can almost hear Bilbo bark every night at bedtime for us to get moving!
 We miss you big guy!

We are so very thankful for the beautiful Angels we have had in our lives. Every one of them has left a paw print on our hearts!

Image and Logo designed by Deb Barnes at Zee and Zoey's Cat Chronicles,
Author of Purr Prints of the Heart and founder of Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day.

Thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!



My Piggy Friend ToT

Today I am here with my furiend Piggeleta. 
Isn't she adorable?


Sorry Piggeletta, she obviously didn't see your pretty pink bow! 

We are joining our friends at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


National Dog Day!

Today we are celebrating National Dog Day!!
Although Mama says EVERY DAY around here is National Dog Day,  we think we deserve lots of attention and extra cookies to celebrate, don't you agree??

 Does that little black fluffy dog on the National Dog Day badge look familiar to you?? 
That's right, Miss Ann over at Zoolatry used ME(Rosy), along with Miss Molly of Molly the Airegirl (the adorable Airedale on the right) as models! 

I feel so special...maybe I should get cookies for being so cute, right Mama??

 Don't  let your head get too big, Rosy! I wear clothes and model whatever Mama needs me to wear during out photo shoots. I think I need extra cookies for being such a good super model!!

Do I have to remind you both that I am an expert at giving Mama kisses during our photo shoots??  I think I am the one that deserves the extra cookies!!!

Meanwhile...in Texas...
Wow Rocky, our niece and nephews sure have gone Hollywood since they moved to California!!

I know Cowboy, we probably shouldn't tell them we got lots of extra cookies from their Mama and we didn't have to model at all!!! 

Mama is traveling back to California this week(HURRAY!!) and we may not be able to comment as much as we would like. Hopefully, next week things will be getting back to normal around here :-).


Texas Sunsets on Feline Nature Friday

So I decided that I, Sorrell the Feline Boss of the Texas Branch of the LLB Gang, here to host a special edition of Nature Friday!

While doing some midnight browsing of the visiting humans Blog List while she is visiting I read over at Comedy Plus that Fridays in Blogville are not only Nature Friday, but also the much reveled tribute to we Felines on Friday! Well who better to host that Moi, the Kitty in Charge!

So today I wanted to show you one of the most popular views in Texas(besides me of course)...the Sunsets!

Like everything in Texas, the skies are so much bigger.

Making the sunsets even more breathtaking!

Not as breath taking as me of course....

Every night the Sunset takes on a little different view!

Reminiscent of the different places I can be viewed around the living room!

The female human staying with us really enjoys the orange glow she gets to see every night!

As the sun goes down, the oranges even take on a pinkish glow, don't you think?

Speaking of the sun going down...we better move things along. It's almost my dinner time!

We'll wrap things up with a couple of sun beams...

Every now and again they can be seen shooting across the sky....aren't they just beautimous?!

Aren't you glad you stopped by to see me, oh, and the Texas sunsets too?? I am so happy to have met you, and don't worry, I'll be back to visit you real soon!

You there, ROCKY Dog, fetch me my dinner!!

 Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE 
to our Hoppity Page