
Nature Friday has Gone to the Seals!

Today, on Nature Friday, we are wrapping up Shark week with a look at one of the Great White sharks favorite dinners...the Elephant Seal!

Way back in May, when Mama and I took our trip down the California coast....

We stopped by the Piedras Blancas Elephant Seal Rookery off the Pacific Coast Highway in the town of San Simeon

The rookery is host up to 17,000 elephant seals at any given time.  Look at those noses! 
No wonder they call them elephant seals!

The rookery is a great place to see cute little baby elephant seals....

....and watch the teenagers argue, BOL!

Elephant seals are pretty quiet compared to those barky Sea Lions at La Jolla,  but they are a lot stinkier!  

Mama and I were amazed how many seals and sea lions of every type we saw on our trip! Almost every beach we saw had a pinniped(seals and sea lions) either on the shore or playing in the waves!

With all the pinnipeds living off of the California coast, it's no wonder that so many Great White sharks also call the same areas home!

Mama made a short video of these fun(and lazy) Elephant Seals for you to enjoy....

You can also watch it HERE on YouTube

We sure hope none of these cuties end up as a 
Sharky Snack! 

Swim safely Elephant Seals!

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  1. Wow! There must have been 87 thousand elephant seals, surely?
    Toodle pip!

  2. Hari om
    Golly that's a lotta pinnafootsies!!! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. What cool seal pics!

    Momma says a sea lion bumped her once at Santa Monica.

  4. They are so cute sunbathing on the beach. It's funny - we never thought of them having an odor before and we would never guess stinky!

  5. There are a lot of seals! We'd love to see them.

  6. OH MY Seals Arty I bet you and your precious nose got lots of elephant seal whiffs.
    A rookery is a new word to me!! Love it. I giggled at the arguing teenagers..probably discussing who gets to take a swim w/o mom.
    San Simone is windy...your furs nearly blew away.
    Thank you so much for this wonderful tour and lesson on nature..indeed little seals swim smart
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Mom saw a lot of seals when she lived on the North Sea, and she even found a lost baby one day. They had to call a special place to pick it up and take it to a safe place. Enjoy those seals and keep the sharks away!

  8. Wow! That's amazing! The only time my ghostwriter saw any kind of seal was in an aquarium or zoo.

  9. Look at 'em all! What fun and what a good boy you were, Arty, I think Luke would have barked at them! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. What a great post! They really are quiet - and there are so many sunbathing :) Thanks for showing me such a different part of the world than where I live. I love it!

  11. they are so ugly and so BEAUTIFUL at the same time. I just love looking at them..that view is to die for

  12. W.O.W. what a cool outing. Those elephant seals really are 'fragrant' aren't they?

  13. Your seals are super cute! Hey, our Seal is cute too!

  14. It's not "thankful thursday" but we are thankful not to have to worry about sharks today! The
    big-n-little seals are so much cuter ...

  15. These are noisy little burgers if you're on a boat and trying to sleep. Outside of that they talk up a storm most of the time.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  16. It was fun seeing all those seals. There sure are a lot of them.

  17. Boy, those seals sure do have BIG snooters!!! Mom loves listening to the crashing of the waves:) Did those seals bark at you?

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  18. Seem safely little baby elephant seals and ya'll stay away from those mean old sharks. Xox Lucy and Xena

  19. Those are lovely. We are getting more seals on the east coast. Sadly that brings more sharks.

  20. That is a whole lot of seals!! How fun
    Mabel & Hilda

  21. Wow! I would love to see all of those seals but I do imagine the smell is strong. BOL! They are just so cute.

  22. That sure is a lot of elephant seals that come ashore. We love the video of you enjoying seeing the seals. Thanks for the share, Have a wonderful rest of your weekend.
    World of Animals

  23. Lulu: "I don't think we have seals down here but we definitely have sea lions."
    Chaplin: "Dennis used to say they reminded everyone of our brother Tucker who we never met."
    Charlee: "How so?"
    Chaplin: "They mostly sleep and become very grumpy if you try to get them to move!"


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