Arty here today, to tell you about my recent encounter with Seamus the sneaky squirrel!!

It all happened last month when I took Mama and Daddy with me to look at possible new wheelie houses. After a long day of schmoozing with salespeople
Mama and Daddy really needed a walk in Nature. We headed out to the nearest park for a stroll. As I was posing nicely with Daddy, I heard a rustle in a nearby orange tree...
and there he was....

*crunch, crunch, crunch*
Hiya little fluffy dog,
I'm Seamus the squirrel! Too bad you can't climb a tree...or maybe you could catch me

I may not be able to climb you tricksy Seamus squirrel, but I can
you out of the tree!!

Before I knew it, there he was right in front of me...
swishing his sneaky little squirrel tail.

You're lucky I have to keep my Daddy on this string Seamus, or I would run over and
I suppose I'm not sure what I would do with you.

Maybe you can just tell your brother and sisters you caught me and we'll pretend you did, Arty!

Sounds like a great plan!!
Thanks Seamus, I am glad you are a sneaky squirrel after all!!
So, lets just keep this between us Blogville, and not tell the rest of the Gang...ok??

This month we are letting Mama do FFF again, you can find her post HERE and make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE
to see more entries!