
A Tingley Nature Friday

Happy Nature Friday!!!
 I decided to take advantage of the nice weather we had last weekend and talked Mama and Daddy into a hike near the Rio Grande River in Tingley Beach Park!

Although the park runs along the Rio Grand River, there is so much more to see!


 We started our hike on a nice paved path. I kept my eyes peeled for bunnies, they sure are sneaky and must have been hiding!
 I did see a couple of geese though...but I kept my distance. 

After awhile, we left the paved path, and hiked through a grove of Cottonwood trees in search of the Rio Grande River.

Look Mama,  I'm queen of the forest!

 What a fun afternoon, 
I had almost forgotten how much I enjoyed a good adventure!
Here is a video Mama put together:
You can also watch it HERE, on YouTube 

OH...and don't worry, Daddy and I found the river!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


  1. I always love your photographs of nature, they always bring a smile to my face as i wish I could be out in nature more but am taking advantage of the different dog parks here as much as I can. thanks for your blog hop with a woof from Layla

  2. Hi Rosy!
    Bunnies are indeed sneaky, but on this occasion I do believe they were shy at the prospect of meeting the Queen of the Forest.
    Gail and I loved the video, and were also relieved to learn that you did finally locate the river.

  3. are that mini bananas in that bush? LOL

  4. What a beautiful day for your adventure, Rosy, and we love the portrait of you and your daddy!

  5. What a nice place for a walk and we are glad we got to see the river too.

  6. Hari OM
    Oh it is good to see you out and about in the forest again, Rosy - albeit a very different forest from the northy-north California one!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. All the way through the video I kept waiting for Clint Eastwood to come riding in on this horse or walking down that path behind you and your daddy. I would absolutely love to walk down that path to that River. Such beauty out there what a wonderful place to go and visit and now I'm wondering did Sonny stay home or was she walking with Mama

  8. What a great adventure you had at that park. The weather sure was beautiful and you had lots of fun paths to explore.

  9. Lulu: "Looks more like Prickly Beach than Tingly Beach!"
    Java Bean: "Sí, which means our Dada would enjoy it, since he loves all things cactus!"

  10. OMDs Niece Rosy...I'm tingling with excitement after my virtual visit to Tingley Beach.
    So pretty those branches were hanging low thru the tunnel of trees.
    Thank you for taking us along
    Hugs Aunty C

  11. We'd be happy to share some of our white stuff with you guys!

  12. Wow, Rosey, you're really brave to stand up high on that downed tree! Bravo!! XOX Xena

  13. That park looks very prickly Rosey. Do you need to protect your paws?

  14. What a fantastic place to hike xxx


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