
Cuervo Ghost Town

 Sunny: It was a dark and stormy night when we rolled into Cuervo...
Rosy: SUNNY! It was actually a nice bright afternoon. Mama just did spooky things to the pictures to make them
look a little more menacing.

Have a seat around our campfire and let's learn a bit more about Cuervo, NM

Unlike many ghost towns located off the beaten path, Cuervo is easy to find.  The small abandoned town is located along Interstate 40 between Santa Rosa and Tucumcari. 
Cuervo(CUHR-voh) means Raven in Spanish. We should have known this because this scary Raven met us at the stop sign entering the town. *shudder*

The town was founded in 1901 when the Chicago, Rock Island and Gulf railroad was expanding from the panhandle of Texas to central and eastern New Mexico.

 Unfortunately, the railway decided to change plans and used both Tucumcari and Santa Rosa for their
main delivery routes. 

The town had the chance to grow when Route 66 was built through their town, but before it had a chance to really prosper...
Interstate 40 was built and Cuervo never established itself as a tourist destination. 
It was then most residents fled the area for better prospects.  

Believe it or not, although the town is now un-incorporated(it's post office closed in 2011), there are still 58 residents that call Cuervo home. We saw one auto repair shop/junkyard that looked like someone might have lived in,  but that was about it.  We didn't meander through the dirt roads though, because Cuervo is known for some pretty creepy "non-ghost" related incidents.

This is the former Catholic Church of  Cuervo. You might notice it has a new roof, which we thought was very interesting. After some research we fund out it was most likely built to keep people out. We aren't going to get into particulars, but if you search Cuervo, NM church incident, you will find some pretty disturbing "non-ghost" information that we didn't know about until researching this post.  
 As most of you know, most humans are much scarier than their ghosts.

Here is a video Mama made, showing all of the houses we saw.

You can also watch it HERE, on YouTube

 We hope you enjoyed our little Campfire Story today. Cuervo sure is an interesting Ghost Town and just one of many here in New Mexico! 

We bet Mama and Daddy will find another one for us to visit soon!!

We are joining Sandee at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


  1. Hari OM
    There is something special (and spooky) about going around buildings long-abandoned but which still ooze their history at you! Mama sure got some nice photographs... and of course, you make pawfect tour guides! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. ooh what a super adventure... and the people will stay in that town to keep it "alive" ? wow...

  3. That raven on the stop sign would have made me turn around but surprisingly, it's a neat little town!

  4. Oh my dogs sweet pretty nieces. Your mama had be shaking in my booties after reading this story. Two things came to mind the movie THE BIRDS and Jose Cuervo commercial on tv.
    I love how she made every things spooky
    Hugs Aunty C

  5. That looks like a really cool place to visit, but only during the daytime! Seeing abandoned towns is always a bit odd and creepy.

  6. the slide show town homes photos are fantastic and as I watched I thought that would be perfect for retirees like us that have an income and don't like a lot of people around, but then I realized the humans that do bad stuff would be there and there would be no doctors/hospitals for us old people. it always makes me a little sad to see these beautiful old buildings unused.

  7. Hubby and I would love to explore here. We love ghost towns. Our favorite is Bodie in Nevada. We've been there many times. Such fun.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches all around and my best to your peeps. ♥

  8. We loved your campfire story and even more we love your campfire!

  9. That does look like a spooky place to visit. Thanks for taking us along with you.

  10. Dearest Nieces please thank mama for her comments about my headers.
    She and Angels Arty and Jakey taught me to be brave and try new artsy things...like photoshop and Pizap stuffs. The header is a Pizap collage stock photo. For several years I was so afraid to change the header for fear I'd mess every thing thanks to them I jumped into the art world.
    Hugs Aunty C

  11. You'd better stay outa there at night, or the non-ghosts might get you. We're already scared and asking Mom to leave the lights on for us tonight! XOX Xena, Lucy, Chia and Riley

  12. How cool you got to visit a real ghost town, I'm not sure I'd like to be there at night though!

  13. What a fascinating part of the country. All we have is tar and steel


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