
Thankful for Hunting

Today, I am very thankful for our campground having LOTS of lizards to hunt!!

Here's a short video Mama put together...
You can also watch it HERE on out YouTube Channel

Mama and Daddy may not have been quite as thankful as me...but it's all about ME, right??

Are there any other hunters out there in Blogville??

Thank you Angel Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  1. Hari Om
    Crikey though, Rosy, you might want to unleash daddy before the big leaps... don't want to be counting coup on him too!!! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  2. You are a great hunter, Rosy, and mom says she's thankful we don't have lizards here! I wish I could be offleash so I could chase after the birds, especially the Robins!

  3. We had two hunters, Max and Jake, both hunted and killed lizards. Jake ate them.. Big and Beau paid them no mind at all. our back yard has hundreds. we have to be careful we don't step on one.. you look so happy hunting.... dad not so much. ha ha

  4. You are a fierce hunter, Rosy. Did you finally catch one?

  5. BOL Niece Rosy you are right your blog post thus your Thankfuls...OMDs I love your ears at the end of the video...You are giving that lizard fair warning
    Hugs AuntyC

  6. We hunt critters. Thankfully we don't have lizards here. Mom says we are not allowed to go near any reptiles of any kind. She is scared to death of them. We have plenty of other things to hunt, so you can have all the lizards.

  7. We are, we are!!!! We try so hard to catch those lizards, but they are really fast. Happy Hunting.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  8. Rosy, are those your "I've spotted a lizard" ears in the first picture? You know I'm as big a lizard hunter as you, and one of these days I'm gonna catch me one! Your buddy, Xena

  9. You sure were having lots of fun sweet Rosy and fun is very important! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. Good luck on the chase and make sure the lizards don't mount a counter attack.

  11. And what, exactly, do you think you will do with a lizard when you catch it?

    The dog next door actually managed to catch a squirrel once (it got caught in a mud puddle) and she looked so surprised when she did catch it. Her dad yelled at her to drop it so she did. I think she never really expected to catch one.

  12. Lulu: "Lizards and bunnies and ground squirrels, oh my!"
    Java Bean: "Don't forget gophers!"

  13. Oh how fun!! I wuv a good lizard hunt buts I only gets to do it when they accidently get in da house and usually brudder grabs them befur I can play wif them.



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