
Flashback Nature Final Fiction Friday

Welcome to that wonderful Friday each month where Nature Friday comes together with  YAM Aunty's FFF!!  Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the Rulez and join the FFF fun!!



 Road Trips Past
by Arty
Roads before us open wide
Mama and me side by side 
Visiting more than 15 states, most of them warmer
New adventures awaited around every corner!

Now that I'm older, into CeCe we go forth,
Once again we go out all set to explore!
Daddy and Rosy join in the fun,
To cooler climates and those in the sun.
But sometimes I sit and ponder those days
When Mama and I would go on our way.
Sitting on Red Rocks or driving the coast
Those were the days I'll remember the most.

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Thankful for Summer Snackies!

 Today, I wanted to give thanks for my most favorite summer snackie, the BOO BERRY!!
 So big...and blue...and full of deliciousness!!

So very juicy too!!!


 I am so thankful for all the nommy Summer Blueberry Snackies!!

What Summer snackies are you thankful for???


Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!




Unicorn Fun!

Some pups like to hang out with Pawty Unicorns...

...but this pup like to tame wild Unicorns!!



We are joining Sandee at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!







But Mama!!!

 What do you mean we can't go outside,
the house painters night need our help?!!!

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!



Nature Friday - Birthday Rosy in the Dahlias

The best part of any birthday celebration is an adventure, right?
Especially if it is a Mama and Me Adventure!!
It is prime Dahlia season here on the Northy North Coast of California,what better way to celebrate my 4th Birthday than walking through a rainbow of pretty flowers!
 Just look at all the pretty colors!!

 Mama says every year seems to be more colorful than the previous year.
We were so happy that the sun burned off the morning clouds and we could enjoy some beautimous clear blue skies!
 Plus...I got to wear my cool pink shades!!
Let's take a nice walk around the garden and see the collection of flowers this year.
We're going to forego the captions so you can admire the 
I especially like the last red dahlia. It reminds me of Aunty HiC! 
The dahlias are exploding with color this year, kind of like our own personal fireworks except flowers are much more quiet, thank goodness!

Let's take one last stroll around the back half of the garden... 
So much beauty in one small garden!
Do you have a favorite dahlia??
The flower above is Mama's favorite because it reminds her of a pretty sunrise.
I really like the pink one with white tips. 
You know pink is my most favorite color!!
Here is a relaxing 2021 Dahlia Collection Video Mama put together.
This one is a bit long, so you may want to go HERE
to YouTube to bookmark and watch it later.


 Thanks so much for joining me this week to celebrate my Birthday! Turning four has been so much fun...I can't wait to see how we celebrate my big 05!!


Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Thankful for Cake Thursday

Today, the whole pack is thankful for cake and puppachinos!!


 This year, because I have been such a good girl, Mama ordered a cake  from my favorite place, Brad's Barkery!! 
Isn't it beautiful!!
 It's a pumpkin cake, with pink yogurt icing and a number 4 cookie instead of candles. It also has a donut cookie AND a delicious S'more cookie on top!!

This is the raspberry I gave Mama when she told me I had to share the cake with the rest of the gang! I did make sure Mama saved the cookies on top for me!
 The cake was not only 
beautiful, it tasted DELICIOUS!!



 Everyone really enjoyed it! 
In fact, we have been munching on leftovers all week!!

Here is a video Mama made of us enjoying our Cake and Puppachinos

You can also watch it HERE, on YouTube.

I am also very thankful for all the Birthday wishes I have received this week,
thank you to everyone who has stopped by!!!


Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!