
Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler



How lucky am I to have the two most beautiful
girls at the Fat Tuesday Masquerade Ball!!
Let the Good Times Roll!! 


We are joining Sandee at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


Jakey Awwws

I know we aren't quite there yet, but March is a very special month for me...

  I'll be turning Sixteen!!!
Mama says you may see a bunch more of me
 because we'll be celebrating 

Mama and Daddy say they feel so very lucky to have found such a sweet and carefree pup like me. 

I say I am the lucky one to have gotten to play with two different generations
of the LLB Gang
...and to have been a part of Blogville since almost the very beginning!!!

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


Backyard Dreaming on FFNF

Welcome to that wonderful Friday each month where Nature Friday comes together with YAM Aunty's FFF!!  Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the Rulez and join the FFF fun!!

 Backyard Dreaming
by Sunny
Mama asked what I wanted in a new backyard,
I have a few things, nothing too very hard.
Lots of room to run, some birdies to chase,
Someplace to wander and call my home base.
A bunny for Rosy, for Jakey some grass
A porch for the pawrents to sit on their ummm chairs.
A fence for us all as long as a park,
To run back and forth, at neighbor puppies we'll bark!
Something I wish for more than anything at all,
Some water flowing down my own waterfall!  
On hot summer days I would enjoy it's splash,
I bet it would be the star of any big bash.

There it is in a nutshell, all my backyard dreams
What's that Mama, you're bursting at the seams.
You'll show one more picture of something just grand.
You'll make my wishes come true 
in my own Backyard Dreamland!
(Stay tuned next Thursday for more on our soon to be new Dreamland Backyard)

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.



Thankful for my New Ride!

 After many wonderful cross country adventures, our wonderful Rogue decided it was time to retire. Don't worry, she has found a new furrever home with people who will still take her on local adventures. 
After searching hi and low for a new member of the family that could take us, not only for adventures by herself, but tag along behind CeCe...
I proudly introduce to you...
 Cheri, the Jeep Cherokee!
Cheri can handle rough terrain we find in our area PLUS
she can catch a ride with CeCe when we take cross country camping adventures!

All us pups will ride in style and
there is plenty of room in Cheri for treats, foodables and even Mama and Daddy's stuff in the back too!
We are so thankful we are going to have such a cool new ride!
Now, come on Mama, Adventure Awaits!!!
Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!



Queen of the Living Room!

 I claimed the highest peak of the couch making me
Queen of the Living Room!!!
What do you mean "only in my own little mind"
Thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!


Happy Millicent, the Morning Dove

 There she is again Rosy!
Hey Millicent, when are you going to come down here and let us chase you!!
 Well Sunny, I don't think that will be anytime soon, I do believe you and your sister want to eat me!

 No, really Millicent, we wouldn't eat you, just chase you around a little bit.
Speak for yourself Ro...
I mean, that's right, we just want to play!

 I think I'll just stay up here, happy and safe, where you girls can't get me.
That's alright Millicent, we're happy to stay down here until you are ready to 
play with us!!


We are joining Sandee at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


Aaaawww Monday


Can we come in.....

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!



The Beauty of Trees on Nature Friday

Happy Friday!!   
This week I thought we would take a look at trees
and the different kind of beauty they hold. For instance, the one behind me (in my backyard)
is a Pinon Pine tree! 
It's pretty tall, and has cute little flowery pine cones like the one above. It is especially pretty right now because it is full of my favorite precipitation...SNOW!
(That's right, it snowed again yesterday!!!! )


It is nice to close my eyes and remember the beauty of the Redwood trees in Northy North California though....

They are taller than the tallest building I've ever seen!
 ...and so dense sometimes the sun could only get through in rays!

 They are so very pretty, aren't they?  It's too bad they don't get much snow on the Northy North Coast, or the Redwood trees might have been my most favorite!
But just look at how the snow covers every needle space on my New Mexico backyard tree....How could I not pick this as my favorite?!

 Do you see the snowflake on the top upper left, coolest thing EVER!!
So there you have it, Redwood Trees on the
Northy North Coast vs snow covered Pinon Pines of New Mexico.
Which is your favorite??

I'm off to do some snow zoomies, but hope you get to enjoy some trees in your corner of Blogville this weekend!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.






This linky list is now closed.


Feeling Seussy on Thankful Thursday


Can you believe Blogville has been celebrating Dr. Seuss for
over 10 years now??  I am so thankful to be a part of this fun day
hosted by June and ZH over at Zoolatry!
 I do love me some Dr. Seuss, and can't wait to help celebrate his birthday!!
Stay tuned on March 2nd as I go through the LLB and Dory's Backyard archives to pull together
some fun pictures and Dr. Seuss stories!

 I hope you'll join Blogville and the Catosphere in celebrating on March 2nd!
Sandee at Comedy Plus will be hosting a Dr. Seuss Blog Hop to help navigate all the celebrations!



Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!




Happy Tasty Tuesday!

Do you have a favorite snack?? As you might have noticed, I like to enjoy a doggy donut every now and then(or everyday if Mama would let me!) They are definitely my most favorite snack. Especially the ones Mama gets us from Brads Barkery
As a special treat, I like to go outside in the sunshine
and eat my donut al fresco!
 The sun feels so good on my furs as I chew....

I even get to have some salad with my donut!
(when Mama isn't looking of course!) 
Here is a short video of me Donut Dining, al fresco!
You can also watch it HERE, on YouTube 
Have you ever gotten to eat al fresco??? 
I really like it!