Learning about the history "the other Las Vegas" sure was fun, but Las Vegas has a natural side too. This Las Vegas is at the eastern side of the Santa Fe Mountains, and the southern edge of the Rocky Mountains.
One morning, after our walk, the pawrents took a scenic ride took see some of the more natural sights in LV.
(From the pawrents: The temperatures were in the 90s during our stay making outings rough for the girls. Walks were done in the early mornings and early evenings)

Right outside of town, the rocks start sprouting up....

...and the trees start getting thicker!

Pretty nice, right?? The pawrents say, that's nothing compared to the Rocky Mountains we're going to see in a couple of weeks.

The pawrents also found a place to swim where the water is hot...
Silly pawrents...it's 95F outside, who cares about hot water!

Mama didn't think strangers with their bathings suits on would appreciate pictures...but here is one of the small "baths" that was part of the Hot Springs. Mama stuck her toes in and said the was crazy hot and turned her toes pink!

Let's close today's post with a look at the "windmill" next to our campsite.
Did you hear, Rosy? We are taking a small trip on Sunday to see how CeCe does towing JeeJee(Mama's Jeep) on Sunday night! We are going to get to stay at a local RV park right by a real casino!
We are wishing everyone a fun long Labor Day Weekend in the US...and a Pawesome weekend
filled with nature where ever you may be!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE to go to our Hoppity Page.