
Backyard Wildlife Wednesday - Polar Bear Bird Club

Welcome to Backyard Wildlife Wednesday, that day of the week we let Mama share some footage  TC(our Trail Camera) has taken in our backyard. This week, we have some snowy footage, and the Birdy Polar Bear Club who think the water is always the perfect temperature for a bath!

(As always, feel free to visit our YouTube Channel HERE)

Outside Baths...and during Winter??
Just another reason we think 

We are joining  Comedy Plus for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Thanks to Sandee for hosting!



  1. yeswe had the same idea... this green berds are fearless .. maybe they are mini penguins?

  2. Hari Om
    There are similar nutters in the hyoomon set who seems to think ice bathing is a good thing... At least the birdies can properly shake it off and avoid hypothermia! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Well, dogs also swim in the cold water in the winter given the chance. The three of us are not into swimming but Emma went into water that was very cold a few times so we figure birds and other animals do too.

  4. Brave birdies ... maybe they're practicing to join all those other "peeps" who traditionally dive in on New Years Day!

  5. Niece Rosy I love your WW attire and OMDs those shades are all kinds of coool
    BOL BOL proof pawsitive that birds have a wee brain...(but a big heart) taking a polar dip.
    Hugs AC

  6. Your fountain was having a finch frenzy! What fun watching them bath and drink.

  7. the finches are so cute. not me on the cold water, and the ducks we saw on Davids post yesterday were in it on a negative temps day. brrr. I guess they were made to do that, humans are different although my hubby is a polar bear

  8. Brrrrrrrrr - I like baths but I know that I don't want to take a bath with snow on either side of me. The birdies don't seem to mind it at all!

  9. WOW, they sure seemed to be enjoying that cold snowy water.

  10. Don't laugh, but our crazy Dylan likes a cold bath too. Mom puts a little tub of warm water at the bottom of his cage and he completely ignores it. He prefers his drinking water dish which has water straight from the fridge water dispenser. No matter what time of year.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. Charlee: "BIRDS!!!"
    Lulu: "Needs more squirrels!"

  12. Maybe they're getting all spruced up for a hot date!


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