
Flickering on Backyard Wildlife Wednesday

With the cooler weather, the Northern Flickers are returning to the area, these birdies are members of the Woodpecker family and one of Mama's favorite birds, mostly because ants are one of their favorite foods....and Mama does NOT like ants!

Here is some Fun Flicker Footage:

(As always, feel free to visit our YouTube Channel HERE)

They have the cutest black bibs, don't you think?!

We are joining  Comedy Plus for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Thanks to Sandee for hosting!


  1. Anythings that eats ants would also be on my party invitation list. Clever birds

  2. Such Pretty Birdies xoxo Little Miss Titch

  3. thats cool how they take a drink... like people in a pub ...

  4. They are such pretty birdies and very large birdies and eating ants is a good thing!

  5. Hari OM
    Oh I do look forward to Wednesdays in your back yard, Rosy and Sunny! Loved this, as always. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  6. I guess if we ever have ants in the house we need to get one of these birds into the house too!

  7. I am trying to decide if you are Santa Rosy or Rosy Santa! either way I love you. I also love that fountain and all the birds that visit.. the fountain itself is beautiful

  8. Niece Rosy,
    Flurry of N. Flickers is wonderful. I love them ...probably the largest of the birds that reg. visit our suet and sometimes they hang on to the edge of a nut and berry feeder while enjoying the seeds.
    Last week we watched a Nature (PBS) program on the many varieties of Woodpeckers. I had no idea of the sizes, colors facts of many of them
    Hugs AC

  9. You're a cutie pie Rosy. Yes you are.

    I love your backyard and tell your mom I hate ants too.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the pups and my very best to your peeps. ♥

  10. We love seeing the birdies that visit your fountain. You make a cute Santa's helper, Rosy.

  11. You have the bestest Bird-TV ever sweet Rosy!

  12. The black bibs are very nice indeed - look like they were painted on the flickers:). Good that they eat ants. The woodpeckers around here just peck at our chimney and drive our Dad crazy.

    Woos - Misty and Timber


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