
Thankful Thursday - Final Tally and November Birthdays

Today we are thankful for such a good turnout for our No Tricks, Just Treats for Shelters Weekend Comment-A-thon an Blog Hop!!

We can't thank everyone enough for all they do to help shelter animals all year round. We always look forward to hopping around and discovering new ideas from you all on how to help our shelters!

My brothers said I could be in charge of tallying all our comments and blog hop attendees and tell you how many green papers Blogville helped us raise!!!
 Drumroll please.....

We had 77 comments
 23 hoppers!!
We raised a total of $62.00, $31.00 for both charities!

Yesterday, Mama made contributions to both LBR and Marg's Animals via Pay Pal! 


Now..Let's Celebrate Blogville's November Babies!
Arty is very excited because his gal Mabel and her sister Hazel BOTH have birthdays in November!!

November 6th - Marcus  - Jan's Funny Farm
November 6th - Taylor - Jan's Funny Farm
November 7th - Hazel - The Idaho Pugranch
November 9th - Oreo - Oreo's Cookie Jar
November 14th - Mabel - The Idaho Pugranch
November 15th - Lucy - Life With Lucy
November 22nd - Tuiren - ATCAD
November 29th - Princess Leah - Princess Leah's Blog

 We are joining Brian for the 
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


A Blogville Haunted Halloween

 Gooood Eeeeevvvveeeennning!
Welcome to our Haunted House. Where I, Rosy the Vampire, will tell you all about the skeery things that go on here during the scariest night of the year!

Aaaaaahhhhh...Our victims guests are starting to arrive!
Gather close everyone and stay together...you surely don't want to get lost!

Aunty Cecilia is here with Angel Madi to cast a spell on 
help welcome all our guests...

 Arty and Mabel are under my spell and are here to make sure you have a spooky good time and don't wander off on your own...We wouldn't want you getting eaten lost!

There be a story of a couple scurges of the sea that crashed just off the coast of this house on Halloween night. It is said they roam the dining room on the anniversary of their demise looking for their lost rum ..... 

I'd stay away from their rum if I were you, it is said if you do, they be sending the very patrons responsible for their shipwreck to your house to a DIY project(rumor is it be their very own PAWRENTS)!!

Quickly...let's move on!
I must warn you...my bestest Vampire friend is also on the loose tonight...wait...Hold on to your necks everyone...

Uh Oh....ummm, let's keep moving....

Awww...look at these two beauties! It was rumored two sisters got lost in the house one night...never to be seen again UNTIL...some brave visitors had their brains removed one dark and stormy night! But these two are too cute to be....wait, don't turn off the lights...


 Whew...that was a close one! Do we have everyone??
Does any pawdy see Bertie and Matilda??
 OH NO! Matilda and Bertie ended up on the other side of the house....Wait a minute, looks like Bertie may have an idea on how to make sure the house, and its ghosts, don't 
hurt anyone from Blogville!!!

Go Bertie!! Count on his scientific mind to figure out how to best deal with these ghosties!

YAY!!!  YAM-Aunty  cleansed the house of all the ghosts, ghouls and vampires. 
Now we can all relax until next Halloween!!!

.....or can we???

We here at LLB are wishing everypawdy a  safe Halloween free from all ghosts and goblins!!


Share(publish a post) a favorite scary story or Halloween picture and hop aboard the Blogville Haunted Halloween Blog Hop!

Tongue Out Witchy Poo Tuesday

This week's tongue is a little batty 


Haunted Monday 'Minder


I thought it would be fun for everypawdy to share(publish a post) their favorite scary story or picture and hop aboard the Blogville Haunted Halloween Blog Hop! This can be a story you made up, or maybe one that you or your pawrents grew up with! Mama has the Linky all set up and ready to go HERE for early posters.

I talked my brothers into helping me host a Haunted House so, after we're done listening to scary stories,  we can have fun scaring each other!! The boys have the outside all decorated...

I am in charge of the inside and can't wait to get started...

See ya this Wednesday for 
A Blogville Haunted Halloween!


Unicorns on No Tricks, Just Treats for Shelters

Hi everypawdy, Artycorn here today for our final day of 
No Tricks, Just Treats for Shelters!

Hey Jakeycorn, looks like Rosycorn is on the computer again...
Whatcha doing Rosycorn?

Well Artycorn, Mama just ordered our foodies from Chewy.com.  I am adding an extra bag for Daddy to bring to the shelter when he drops off our donations next week!

Good idea Rosycorn!!

I am also making sure Mama has our donation place set up correctly on our Amazon Smile account! It's so easy to set up...Click HERE to read all about it!!

Good work Rosycorn!! 

Thanks Boyz and thanks to everyone who has joined us either by joining the hop or commenting this weekend!

Thanks for joining us today for the last day of No Tricks, Just Treats for Shelters! Remember we will be donating $1 for every blog hop entry(Blog Hop is open until tonight 11:59pm tonight) and 50 cents for every comment received thru 11:59pm this evening.

To join the Hop,  publish a Halloween post (between now and Sunday 11:59PM) letting us know how you help your local shelter through the year and join the fun!!


No Tricks Just Treats for Shelters - POOF!

Arty here today hosting day two of No Tricks, Just Treats for Shelters. 
This week, I had Mama clean out our treat cabinet and get all the treats we either can't eat or we aren't fond of and put them in our "Bring to the Shelter" box. 

I also sent Daddy out to clean out the garage and he found three crates we don't use anymore to donate! Go Daddy!

It's amazing how much we have around the house that we may not use, but some puppy might be able to use! Toys and puzzles we don't play with anymore, even gently used collars, leashes and harnesses.

Rosy grew out of some of her collars and harnesses.
Don't tell her I said so tho, just look what happen to Jakey when he said something...

Glad my Artysaurus costume can come off....

Thanks for joining us today for Day Two of No Tricks, Just Treats for Shelters! Remember we will be donating $1 for every blog hop entry(Blog Hop is Open Until Sunday at 11:59pm) and 50 cents for every comment received today, tomorrow and Sunday(thru 11:59pm).

To join the Hop,  publish a Halloween post (between now and Sunday 11:59PM) letting us know how you help your local shelter through the year and join the fun!!


No Tricks, Just Treats on Flower Friday!

Hi Everypawdy and welcome to Flower Friday AND the first day of No Tricks, Just Treats for Shelters!!   Today I asked Mama to show you this cool flower looking thing we saw while we were driving through Texas on our way back to California...

This is Cotton!!

It starts in these cool pods called Cotton Bolls...

....and then blooms into this cool soft white stuff!!

Then these big machines pick the cotton and guess what???
They turn it into blankets, sheets, clothes and all kinds of different things!

Most of the old sheets an blankets we are packing up for our trip to the shelter this year have cotton in them!

That's right Rosy...we don't have as many old blankets this Halloween because Mama made a trip to the shelter before we moved to our new house...But we do have a few old blankies!

That's ok Arty, I asked Mama to look on our local shelter's website to see if they have a "Wishlist". A bunch of shelters will have a list of things they need, some even have Amazon wish lists to make it easy peasy to donate!

Thanks for joining us today for Day One of No Tricks, Just Treats for Shelters! Remember we will be donating $1 for every blog hop entry(Blog Hop is Open Until Sunday) and 50 cents for every comment received today, tomorrow and Sunday!

To Hop Aboard, link up your Flower Friday Post and/or publish a post letting us know how you help your local shelter through the year!!
Easy Peasy!!