From Beth and Ed:
As Jakey's health continues to decline, we have made the decision
to let him cross gently to the Rainbow Bridge this coming Monday morning.
We will spend the weekend doing all his favorite things
(which mostly include all snuggling in one place and giving him
lots of treats :-) but mostly, appreciating his presence.
Today, Jakey tells how good life can be.
Hi all, Jakey here today. Lately, I've been having wonderful dreams of Dory standing by a beautiful rainbow. She is asking if I want to come run and play in a place where I will feel young and pain free. Arty and Bilbo are there too, playing with so many of our old friends. Dory says I have been the bestest boy and, after almost 17 years keeping watch over Mama and Daddy, it's almost time for me to join her on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.
Before I left, I wanted to thank all of you across Blogville and the Catosphere for following my adventures through the years. Did you know I have been blogging since I came to live with Mama and Daddy? Mama and I snuggled up this week and went through 10+ years of blog posts, and I have to say, my life has certainly been good!
Here I am shortly after Mama and Daddy adopted me! They were really close to adopting this other dog but I knew just how to win Daddy over! I rolled over in front of him so he could give me belly rubs! Needless to say, he and Mama have been giving me belly rubs ever since BOL!
This is me walking through Dory's backyard in Texas.
What a great time we had watching and chasing squirrels in this yard.
Dory was my heart friend and, although I have loved all my sisters and brothers, I always loved her the most.
When I was a young whipper snapper, I learned the art of toy deading!
Here are a couple of movies Mama found of my toy handywork:
After a few years in Texas, I got to drive all the way to California with Bilbo, Dory and my new brother Arty. Don't let this smile fool you. I kept Mama on her toes as I am not a good traveler and learned quickly how to escape my harness!
I had no problem becoming a California guy. I am happy just about anywhere as long as Mama and Daddy are close by! I kept busy by immersing myself in the Blogville Art Scene and even did a few tutorials post you can still find around here somewhere!
Dory, Arty and I had tons of smiley good times in California.

As time passed, I eased into semi retirement and our pack evolved again.
After Dory and Bilbo left for the Rainbow Bridge, Rosy joined Arty and I in California. Rosy has always been fun for a good game of bitey face and backyard zoomies!
I'm so glad she picked us to be her furr-ever family!

While we were in California we also started taking wheelie house trips. Arty and I got to see the Olympic Peninsula AND I saw Bryce Canyon with the girls! I am not big on the actual traveling from place to place part, but I sure loved being with Mama and Daddy 24/7!
I've been on more hikes than I can count, and have seen so many new places!
After a few years, our pack changed again. Baby sister Sunny joined us and, a little bit later, Arty left for the Rainbow Bridge.
We also moved here to New Mexico, land of bunnies, big backyards and my retirement.
I sure am one lucky dog to have lived such a wonderful life filled with so much love and so many smiles.
Both Mama and Daddy always tell me they are the lucky ones, to have found patience, love and so much happiness, all in one dog....