Do you know that I, Rosy, have never seen a REAL squirrel?? That's right, we don't have squirrels here on the Northy North Coast of California...
The closest I've come to seeing one is having Mama point out some blurry furry thing while we were on one of our road trip (and then telling me I couldn't run after it to investigate!
With tomorrow being Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day, there has been a
bunch of reminiscing about how my Angel Sister Dory was the bestest
Squirrel hunter in all of Texas(at least in the Austin Area)!
Dory taught Arty and Jakey how to squirrel hunt, so I asked Arty and Jakey if they could teach me using Mr. Sebastian the squirrel! Now Sebastian can't run so Arty asked Mama to throw him so I could practice chasing a squirrel.
Catching wasn't so hard...Arty then told me to shake, shake, shake I practiced that for awhile...
Arty explained that real squirrels will run away and so he added an extra level of difficulty by trying to grab the squirrel and take him away...he also said real squirrels bite and so he tried to bity face me until Mama reminded him that maybe he shouldn't bity me so hard...
After that, Arty said I was ready for the next level...playing squirrel tuggy with Jakey. He said if I could get the squirrel away from Jakey...I would be ready if a squirrel ever came my way!
It was tough, but I finally wrestled the squirrel away from Jakey and Arty says I am now ready to chase squirrels and be a Big Squirrel Hunter just like Angel Dory!!
Noooow...I just have to find a squirrel brave enough to come to my yard and play!!!