
Remembering Our Angels

We have been blessed with an fun loving pack, including our Angels. Today, on Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day, we are remembering our special Angels Bilbo and Dory by listing our top five memories of them both!

5/17/02 - 6/14/17
5. You loved your naps and had naptime down to an art form!
4. Reminding us about bedtime every evening for 15 years by barking between 9 and 9:30. You loved routine and don't worry, Arty has taken up the responsibility of keeping us on task...although he isn't quite as persistent as you were.
3. How you had me(Mama) trained to do do anything you wanted and were proud to be a Mama's Boy
2. The way you looked like a pawfessor in your first Blogville Christmas sweater from Frankie Furter
1.  Three words...Pumpkin Crunchy Face

December 26, 2003 - April 9, 2017
5. So much respect for your uncanny Squirrel Hunting Abilities
4. You never met a stranger and went out of your way to be friendly to every human you met!
3. Your willingness to travel with me...our Road Trips will always hold some of my most special and happy memories.
2. Your forgiveness for a certain Halloween when I dressed you as your arch enemy. This remains our most popular posts and still brings giggles, along with a tear or two.
1.Your beautiful and everlasting smiley will always hold the most special place in my heart. I miss you Dory, everyday and was so very lucky to have the chance to be your human.

 Mama is also remembering her first adult furry companion, Addie Cat
 May 1987 - July 2005
You can read all about Miss Addie HERE

We can't have a Tongue Out Tuesday without an Angel Bilbo  Raspberry!

Image and Logo designed by Deb Barnes at Zee and Zoey's Cat Chronicles,
Author of Purr Prints of the Heart and founder of Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day.


  1. what sweet memories... and you are right with bilbo's tongue this tuesday is a real tuesday ,O)

  2. Hari OM
    What a wonderfurs post of reminiscence!!! May all be bouncing happily over the rainbow. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. All the furry ones who have left us are gone, but never forgotten, and they are with us in spirit every day.

  4. Those memories are precious. People without dogs or cats just don't understand how we feel about them.

    Mara (remembering Wuppie, Mathilda, Sophie, Linette and Julius with so much love) from NI

  5. Dearest Angels Bilbo and Dory...
    OMCs what memories...we met way back in 2009....when I was just 7 and a few months. The things we have seen and the friends we have made almost leave us speechless.

    Bilbo...bless your sweet Mama's heart...she never once corrected mom when she typed Bilbro...(at the time mom was working and new a Computer Science professor named Grif Bilbro) so that is what she called you. Finally she got it right.

    Dory darlin' what a proud, pleasing and purrfect Moment for Mom when she held your in her lap in 2016. Finally hold the famous and beautimous Dory
    and meeting her mama and Mayor Arty.
    Memories that can never never NO never be taken away is what our Angels leave in your hearts and Mind's Eye.
    Hugs Madi as dictated by Mom

  6. Hugs as you remember those very special sweeties.

  7. sweet happy memories mixed with the sad.. thanks for the memories you shared today.... I remember both your sweet angels from when we first met

  8. It always makes Momma smile that Bilbo and Casey had the same sweater!

  9. We enjoyed taking a trip down memory lane with you. We sure do miss Dory and Bilbo too.

  10. Beautiful lives that never stay with us long enough. Such wonderful memories, always mixed with the pain of the loss.

  11. What wonderful memories. We never quite get over losing our precious furbabies.

  12. Our Angels sure do leave us with some beautiful memories. Just loving the Bilbo Raspberry:) We remember all of those posts from the past. Hugs to all of you on this Remembrance Day.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. Lots of lovely memories of your precious angels.

  14. Beautiful memories! we enjoyed reliving the past in your post. Sending lots of hugs as we remember our sweet Angels
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. What sweet angels they all are!

    Purrs and hugs as you remember them today.

    Athena and Marie xx

  16. Oh my goodness! Those pictures - such precious babies! Thank you for sharing your angels with us today - love and purrs from Deb, Mr. Jazz, and the Zee/Zoey gang.

  17. What a wonderful tribute. I felt like I got to know your angels.

  18. Wonderful tribute to your beautiful angels.

  19. thank you so much for sharing your babies with us. (((hugs))) as you remember

  20. Awww, I miss your babies. Dory was such a fashionista and I still want a little girl puppy to dress. Your memories made me smile and that's the best kind.

  21. Dory and Bilbo will always be remembered in Blogville.

    All of our Bridge angels have a very special place in our hearts. ♥♥♥

  22. hello llbers its dennis the vizsla dog aww hay so nice to see my old frends bilbo and dory agin!!! i bet bilbo and tucker ar over the rainbo bridj swapping storeez abowt there fayvrit naps and dory and trixie ar ekchayndjing alpha girl dog war storeez!!! and miss addie wuz a verry pritty kitty!!! ok bye


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