
Bee-lieve It or Not

It's MAY already!!

 Happy May Day!!

Thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!





Happy Little Rosy Tongue(s) on Tongue Out Tuesday

Today, I wanted to show you my different looks for
Tongue Out Tuesday. Let's start with my
"aren't I a little cutie?" look. Notice, that I just let the very tippy tip of my tongue show. This always pulls on Mama's or Daddy's heart strings....

Next we have the medium bleppy tongue. This is good if I want to give Mama a giggle and usually happens if I'm tired and ready for a nap.

This is Mama's favorite ToT. 
My happy smile gets her every time, this usually results in a treat or two.
Which, of course leads to my favorite ToT....
"That was YUMMY" 

Which is your favorite ToT look??

We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the 
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!



Rosy Motivational Awwws

"Give every day the chance to be the most beautiful day of your life!"
Mark Twain....and Rosy

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!



Birthday Highlights

I want to thank everybuddy again for the birthday wishes and let you know what a fun(and delicious) birthday I had!

We started off my birthday with a nice breakfast, and then Mama
brought Birthday Pup Cups out!!

Needless to say, Rosy and I reallllly enjoyed them!

After a fun morning of fence barking, and a early afternoon siesta, Mama brought out 
BIRTHDAY COOKIES from Woof Gang Bakery!

I just love my birthday girl cookie. The purple writing matches my

It was a little crunchy, but totally delicious!

After finishing up my birthday cookie is was time for some afternoon barking, and another siesta.
I had a nice dinner of kibble and lamby bites,
Then, for dessert,  Mama brought out...

It was a Barkday gift from Woof Gang Bakery!

Thanks Woof Gang Bakery!  I really loved it.
Don't worry, I made sure to share some with Rosy!

Here's a Birthday video Mama put together:

Watch it HERE on YouTube

I have to say, this was the tastiest birthday I've had yet!

Thanks for sharing my birthday highlights with me,  I can wait to see what fun things are ahead of me 
this year!!


FFF - Flashback

Welcome to that wonderful Friday each month where Nature Friday comes together with  YAM Aunty's FFF!!  Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the Rulez and join the FFF fun!!

Thank you for all your birthday wishes yesterday. I had a wonderful day filled with Pup Cups, special treats and Daddy even stayed home from work(and I don't believe for a second it was for the water sprinkler guy) 

Today, in honor of my birthday week, I am flashing back to my very first FFF.

An Ode to a Leaf
by Sunny

I chase
I catch
I examine
I bitey

Leafs are da best!

...and to this day, I feel the same way about leaves!

 Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Thankful for Sunny - This is Four


Today, we all want to say how thankful we are for Sunny. Starting with Rosy, moving on to Mama and Daddy and wrapping up with the birthday girl herself!
 Rosy here, I and get to start off with three reasons why I am thankful for Sunny. First off, it's nice to have another girl around to play with, I was surrounded by boyz for the first 3 years of my life, and it's nice to be able to have someone who understands what is means to be a girl. 
Next, it's nice to have a partner to travel in CeCe with. Traveling is better with friends, right? Finally, I am thankful to have a little sister who respects my boundaries. She doesn't try to go after my treats or my foodies like a certain Angel Brother(Arty) used to. So thanks Sunny, for being a pretty good little sister!
Mama and Daddy are up next for their Sunny thankfuls. We are both thankful for such a strong little girl. She has been through so much, but has persevered and has evolved into a happy, well adjusted pup. From showering her Daddy with kisses when he gets home to cuddle sessions with Mama on the couch, Sunny has become quite a snuggle bug! We are also thankful Sunny has settled into a daily routine with Rosy where she can enjoy her sister instead of bossing her around. It has been wonderful to watch her grow this year.

This is Four
Wow, the fam sure knows how to make me feel special!
I, Sunny, here to say how thankful I am to have found a furr-ever home that has helped me be who I am today. Rosy is teaching me how to be a well rounded dog who can play and snuggle without getting upset and I have pawrents who love me just the way I am. 

I am also so very thankful for my Blogville family. You all
have been here through it all with your love, support and advice!
It's hard to express just how thankful I am(and we all are)
to have each and every one of you in our lives!

Thank you Angel Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


Birthdays Thru the Years

 This was One...
 This was Two...
This was Three....

Stay tuned tomorrow to see what Four looks like!

Thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!


Happy Travels Tuesday

On day 2 of my Birthday Week, I'm I thought I would share some of my travels from the past year!

We visited a lot of places in our home state of New Mexico,  including Angle Fire.

I traveled to the Rocky Mountains of Colorado to do some mining

Stayed in Bear Country

...and even got my Kicks on Route 66!!

Mama made a video of all the fun places we went when I was three
You can watch it HERE, on our YouTube Channel 

I can't wait to see all the places we go when I'm four!!

We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the 
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


Sunny Puppy Aaaaws

 Welcome to my birthday week! That's right, this Thursday I turn FOUR years old. Since Mama seems to think I am still just a little girl, we thought there would be no better way to start my birthday week than to share my cutest puppy pictures!

This is me when I was only 2 weeks old and living in Washington State.

My leggies were already long...just look at my big long paw!!

This is me, right after meeting Mama and Daddy. I knew they already loved me lots because they drove over 8 hours each way, and stayed in a hotel during the middle of the pandemic, just to pick me up and bring me to my new home.

This is my, "Why yes, I am adorable" pose (I still use it today)!

This was my very first lammy chop telling me all about my new home.

Last, but not least, here I am meeting Rosy for the first time. She was telling me all the ways I could get away with things...just by looking cute. Needless to say, we still use most of these tricks to this day!

Stay tuned this week for lots of fun flash backs as I celebrate turning the Big 04!!

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


Backyard Spring Blooms 2024 - Part 1


 Howdy effuryone! Welcome to Nature Friday, where we can meet some new friends and maybe share a picture or two of what nature looks like around Blogville. Spring has really been Springing around here lately, in the past two weeks color has been popping up all over the place!! Mama took so may pictures, we've broken this up into two parts so your eyes don't get tired. This week let's show you our pretty bushes.

Starting with the sweet smelling lilacs,

These are pictures of the same lilac bush. The lighting on a rainy day gives them a lavender

When the sun comes out a little you can see the transformation begin

..and in the morning sun, their color gets even richer.

 Plus, they smell soooooo good!!
Next let's move on to our pinky pink bush!

Our pink bush is usually first to bloom and this year was no different. Mama thinks it is some kind of Ornamental Flowering Almond shrub, but doesn't know exactly what kind of bush it is for sure.

It's pretty cool to watch the green leaves grow under the pink blooms.

Here's a closer look.

These only are in bloom for a short time, and are already more leaves than flowers. We savored every day of powder pink we had!
 Thanks for joining us for a look at the Spring Blooms in our backyard. Next week we'll be joining YAM Aunty a with FFF post  and we'll be back the first Friday in May with the rest of our backyard blooms!
Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.