
Aaaw Mama!!!

Once upon time there was a Dog Mama who, more than anything, wanted to see Monument Valley...
.....especially the spot in Monument Valley where they had filmed Forest Gump when he decided to stop running.

When we arrived in the Navajo Tribal Park, Mama was pawsitive the Forest Gump spot was on the road you see in the above picture....

The DIRT road where signs warned that only 4 wheel drives should proceed AND where, because of recent rains, there were additional warning signs of deep ruts and holes. We had our 4 wheel JeeJee and Mama was determined. Daddy was nice enough to go along, but he tried to warn her that it was going to be REALLY rough.

Mama didn't take any video, but the video below gives you an idea of how bumpy the road was....

Halfway down the hill to the road, Mama realized she may have made a mistake...

This was about the time that both Rosy and I were throwing up in the backseat. Rosy's tummy calmed down but those bumps were horrible, and I was REALLY carsick!
Mama felt soooooo bad, and had Daddy turn around as soon as he could and we went back up the hill.

That's where Mama took these pictures
(and cleaned up the mess in the back seat)

Believe it or not,  that's not all...
Mama then looked on her phone for Forrest Gump in Monument Valley and found out it was on another road all together!!!
Daddy was such a good sport and took Mama over to see the spot, and some the great views of Monument Valley you saw Friday!

Mama's...gotta love them, right???
We are thankful this adventure made for a good story, even if it was a little too adventurous!!

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!



  1. Hari OM
    Oh dear... sorry you and Rosy didn't cope so well with that bit of adventure... but dad earned lots of kudos points for making sure mama got her wishes... so a pawsitive story in the end! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. we hope the tummy thunderstorm is over and you are all ok? we love what your daddy did... that is really what the best dads do... and how wonderful to see this place via your blog...

  3. Gail says that if everything went right when we travel then our stories would be far less interesting!

  4. while watching the video I was thinking just watching this would make me sick and then I saw next I was right. all of you were good to let mama go where she thought she wanted to go..
    I am 80 years old and most probably would get sick in the back seat .. you and I could stay in CeCe

  5. Oh my goodness! Even Bailie who is always car sick never has thrown up in the car. It must have been really bad. Our Mom is always "lost", so we know how it is living with a Mom who wants to do something but has it all wrong. Their hearts are in the right place. Glad at least there was no car trouble from the awful road.


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