
Trains and Conductor Cuteness on TT

 After Rosy's morning adventure to Walnut Canyon, the pawrents went "Train Watching". Apparently, this is when you find train tracks and wait for trains to go by...

It didn't take them long to find a place to stop and see a bunch of trains go by!

I bet you'll be surprised to know that Mama made a movie/slide show of the trains she and Daddy watched:

(As always, feel free to visit our YouTube Channel HERE)

I don't think I would enjoy riding or even watching trains
...but I sure make a cute train conductor, don't you think??

We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the 
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!



  1. Sunny, you would be the perfect train conductor.
    Those trains are HUGE!

  2. LOVE TRAINS..or at least mama does. She used to run out to the tracks near her grandpapa's house and wave at the conductor and he always waved back. Trains ROCK and you are one cute conductor and I wish my name were automatically on your comments area but I'll used anonymous and fill in the proper info.

  3. We loved watching the trains go by as kids and you would make an adorable train conductor, Sunny!

  4. can we join you if you are da train coductor? da nelly could make a hole in da tickets and in the pants of people who furgot to buy one....

  5. Hari Om
    You absolutely do, Sunny! I have a liking for trains, too, ...and ships and planes... It's a thing... Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  6. You look adorable in your train gear! Mom isn't real interested in watching trains as she has seen them and ridden on them her whole life. She does like seeing the old ones, though. Last year, Olivia's trial at the IL train museum was amazing and getting to search old train cars with her was so fun. Soon they are going to a steam engine museum for a trial and are looking forward to that.

  7. Conductor Niece Sunny
    Dad of Angel Madi would have been right there by your Dad's side watching...you know he is a train brain
    Hugs AC

  8. You are the cutest conductor we've ever seen, Sunny. Our dad would like to watch all those trains. One of them had 4 engines!

  9. I have seen a lot of conductors and not one of them was even close to as cute as you are, Sunny. I forgot to say yesterday that the first photo of you is the best ever. it was perfect.
    this is the cleanest train ever seen by my eyes, all 4 or 5 of the engines were spotless.. I would sit and watch those trains if I were there. Daddy use to race the trains when we came down to Florida, the track ran a long beside HiWay 301 for miles and miles, the old 1953 Pontiac kept up pretty good and the engineer would wave at us and blow the horn. did daddy get a wave and horn blow?

  10. First, what an adorable outfit! Love it!
    Second, I love trains, such a history of trains in America!

  11. I'll ride on the train with your peeps. You are a great looking conductor. Such a fun post.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the pups and my very best to your wonderful peeps. ♥

  12. Aww, sweet Sunny, you make an adorable conductor. Wow, what an amazing field of sunflowers where the train went through- that was quite impressive.

  13. You are the cutest conductor ever sweet Sunny and the trains were impressive!

  14. Sunny, you made the cutest ever train conductor! I wouldn't want to be near a train, either they're too big and way too noisy! Your buddy, Chia

  15. A very cute conductor indeed, Sunny!!! Our Mom says she likes to watch trains too as long as she isn't in a hurry when they are blocking the road:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  16. You're a lovely conductor, and since you enjoy riding in CeCe you might well enjoy a trip on a train.

  17. Lulu: "All abooooaaaarrrrrd!"
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, you are an adorable train conductor, Sunny! A superconductor, even!""


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