
Thankful for Daddy

This week on Thankful Thursday, we are thankful for our Daddy. He drove us 87,000 miles around Arizona and got us back home safe and sound!

It all started with our 6 hour drive from home to
Williams, Arizona. Here is the first(of probably 87 million) video Mama put together of our trip.

(As always, feel free to visit our YouTube Channel HERE.)

Thank you Angel Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  1. Well done Daddy.! And also Mama for such a wonderful video. We wouldn't like to be at a level crossing when that train was passing through. (Your trains are so long and slow compared to ours in the UK!)

  2. The scenery is just beautiful as you travel along and we know that you girls had the best time ever! Your daddy is a blessing!

  3. Our mom considers six hours a short drive. We usually have like 10 or more in a day when we road trip. Maybe next year we will get to go out west to AZ, paws crossed.

  4. bravo to your daddy... our dads are the heroes of da fúrmily thats for sure...

  5. I think the two of you need a mini-yoke for when walking side by side. that makes me so happy to see you walking that close to each other.. so glad for the no sick ride. awesome sights in the video, I got a little sick going around that steep curve and thinking we were going off the side.
    Did you notice there was a car following you? and that it was riding your bumper? ha ha

  6. Last year I went to Williams AZ for the first time so it's pretty neat to see your video and know I've been there. This is fun thank you.

  7. That was a fun video and I'm so glad you girls had a big time! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. What beautiful scenery you went through. Your dad did a great job navigating CeCe.

  9. OMDS OMDS OMDS Yes thank you to Dad Ed the bestest Driver ever.
    Nieces Rosy and Sunny I love how close you walk together.
    BOL BOL Trains and horses and hills and red rock OH MY. I am also thankful for Dad's driving and Mama's snapping and videography
    Hugs AC

  10. Your Daddy did a wonderful job, it's not easy driving those things, especially that far. Your Mama is a great documentarian.

  11. What gorgeous views and pretty horses. So glad you two get to go along, as well as get along!

  12. Java Bean: "Ayyy, that is a very long drive! Our Mama gets kind of cranky if she's in the car for an hour, I can't imagine going 87,000 miles!"
    Lulu: "Unless maybe it's to pick up plumeria ..."
    Java Bean: "Well sí of course if it's to pick up plumeria it's fine."


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