
First Day in Page, AZ

 On Day three of vacation we packed up CeCe and JeJe and hit the road for Page, AZ

As usual, we slept for most of the 3 hour trip. When we fell asleep, we were surrounded by trees, flowers and forests......

but when we woke up....
We thought Daddy made a wrong turn and we had ended up on the moon!!  Craggy rocks, canyons and mesas surrounded us!

 Boy were we glad to see this sign and realize it wasn't the moon just Page, Arizona!
The pawrents had so much they wanted to see in Page. After we set up camp, they left us in the air conditioning of CeCe and left to see the pretty Horseshoe Bend rock formation.
 Horseshoe Bend is what scientists call an entrenched meander
(click HERE to see a short video that explains entrenched meandering)

 The pawrents mostly just thought it was pretty darn cool!  They were glad they left us in air conditioned Cece as it was a 3/4 mile(each way) hike in 92 degree sun to see this beautiful sight!

They made sure to make it up to us though. After dinner, the temperatures fell into the 70s and we all went for a nice family sunset walk around the campground!!
Here is a short video Mama made of the adventures we had on Day 3 of our Arizona adventure.

(As always, feel free to visit our YouTube Channel HERE.)

Today we are thankful for cool evenings and the beauty of the natural world!
Thank you Angel Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  1. Every school child of my generation learned about ox bow lakes in Geography lessons, but they missed out entrenched meanders! I particularly enjoyed the video, having once cycled down part of the Yakima River canyon.
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. oh my oh my that all really exists and you saw it with your own eyes... we know it only from tv, but now we think it is real because you saw it with doggie eyes... and they never lie...

  3. Horseshoe Bend is amazing and way cool and we loved the video!

  4. We don't mind walking in the heat if there is some shade, but Mom tells us AZ doesn't have much shade. What a pretty area!

  5. that hike was worth it for sure, looking down on that horseshoe meandering sight is awesome. wow and wow... as we drove a long with you on that winding road I wondered how the workers that built that road made out in the heat.. its a pretty awesome road running alongside all that gorgeous rock

  6. What a beautiful place to visit. That sure is a cool formation with the river bending like that.

  7. We here in Raleigh were awe struck at 'Horseshoe Bend is what scientists call an entrenched meander'
    Your Daddy is da best taking you all places.
    Uncle B said to tell Dad thank you for the train video on Tuesday.
    Love and hugs

  8. Such a fun trip and WOW, Horseshoe Bend sure is amazing! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


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