
SQUIRREL!!! Wildlife Wednesday

Although I do squirrel patrol on a daily basis here in my backyard...

I am quite annoyed to report we have a sneaky squirrel who has been taking advantage of the hot weather quarantines our pawrents have in place, along with our time aways on road trips, to help itself to unlimited drinks of water at our fountain!
(As always, feel free to visit our YouTube Channel HERE.)

Better get your water while you can sneaky squirrel, we will be home and the weather will be cooler before you know it!

We are joining  Comedy Plus for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Thanks to Sandee for hosting!



  1. wow they think you are an all you can drink restaurant...

  2. That would be hard to resist for any thirsty critter!

  3. Sneaky Squirrel, exit left stage! ha ha he/she sure is cute and i hope your squirrels did not get wet while drinking.

  4. Squirrels are sneaky little buggers and they taunt us all the time.

    You're so cute.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to you both and my best to your wonderful peeps. ♥

  5. Niece Rosy OMDs I love x 87 your bandana and hat.
    Quite aggravating
    Unanimously aggravating
    Incredibly arrogant
    Run, run fast as you can but.......
    Rosy and Sunny will stalk you
    Especially cheeky
    LLB yard is patrolled by webcams and Dogs
    Hugs AC

  6. Rosy, urgent action required!
    That pesky tree rat is acting like he owns the place.

  7. He'd better drink up before you put a stop to his free drinking.

  8. Awww, but the squirrels get thirsty, too, and they are entertaining, you have to admit it.

  9. It's no wonder that squirrel was thirsty. She looked like she possibly was a nursing mom. We hope you aren't too mean to her when you get home.

  10. We suppose the treerats need water too, but we do wish they would leave Mom's tomatoes alone.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. I saw a squirell on my walk today and suddenly felt the need for speed.

  12. Squirrels are not nice. They tease and frustrate us doggies all the time.

  13. Well, think about it this way, Rosy. If the squirrel didn't have anything to drink he might die before you got home to chase him. Now what fun would THAT be? XOX Xena


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