
Travel Tuesday Around Page

Rosy here on Travel Tuesday to tell you this and that about attractions in and around Page, AZ.

Page was originally established in 1958 as a camp for those working on the Glen Canyon Dam and is named after John C. Page, a Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner. 

Built in 1959, the Glenn Canyon Dam Bridge is one of the highest bridges in the United Stated at 700 feet about the Upper Colorado River.

The Glen Canyon Dam was finished in 1966 , creating Lake Powell. Lake Powell not only contributes water to the lower Colorado Valley(this includes ur home state of New Mexico) but it is also  attracts tourists to the area.

The Glen Canyon Dam, Bridge and Lake Powell are very cool...but Page also has beautiful
geological formations(that's fancy speak for pretty rocks and canyons). The pawrents really wanted to visit a slot canyon like Antelope Canyon while we were visiting, but there just wasn't time(not to mention it was REALLY hot outside).  Instead, they took a little drive along scenic Route 89 a little north of Page.

The rock formations were amazing!
Here is a short video Mama put together:

As always, feel free to visit our YouTube Channel HERE

As usual, there is so much to see in and around Page, Arizona....and there was so little time!

We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the 
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!

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