
Not so Wordless Wednesday

While we were in Page...
Ummm, Rosy??
Just a second Sunny, I want to tell everyone about the beautiful place we stayed while we were in Page!
But Rosy....LOOK!!!!

It's a big old Coyote!!!
Please Stand By....

OK, I think I'm done now. 
Did you see how scared he was of me Rosy?!!

Yeah Sunny, he looked more annoyed at the sound of your bark, silly girl.

As I was saying, Roam America in Horseshoe Bend(the RV Park where we stayed in Page) was beautiful!
It has a nice pool where Mama and Daddy went swimming one evening and lots of wide open space!
(and don't worry, we only saw one coyote and that was WAY early in the morning). 

The park wasn't very crowded, making it perfect for peaceful morning and evening walks.

The views were beautiful, with lots of red rock formations!

Making it perfect for our annual vacation Ussie!

We are joining  Comedy Plus for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Thanks to Sandee for hosting!


  1. oh wow!!! so wonderful! do you think that was THIS coyote? the wile e. coyote from da roadrunner race?

  2. Mom thinks the coyote's howl is one of the most eeriest noises and it always makes her think that an animal is in trouble. The landscape is just gorgeous!

  3. We have had 2 close encounters with coyotes, 1 5 years ago and 1 a year ago. ours are not as big as these. I love the fence because it blends in with the background and does it job without looking out of place. gorgeous views and yay for pool time..

  4. Glad you found a nice place to stay. We see coyotes and fox in our neighborhood and on early walks sometimes. Mom always thinks she sees a loose dog but then realizes it is a coyote. They are slowing disappearing as homes develop on the land around us. We even saw wolves up until a few years ago. We feel bad for them having to move away with the people taking all their land. Your camping spot looks beautiful.

  5. Hari Om
    Sunny, you earned your keep that day! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Nieces Rosy and Sunny OMDs OMDs Sunny I know Wiley Coyote was shaking in his paws and I bet at one point his tail was between his legs. He knew you were on Watch and he best move on.
    Now for all the beauty you shared. Aunty C is almost speechless (but that is because she is typing)
    Hugs to all AC

  7. You sure gave that coyote a good talking to, Sunny. That sounds like a great place to park your CeCe especially during off peak times.

  8. Gorgeous! Don’t think I will ever make it there, thanks for sharing!

  9. Such a pretty place and I'm glad you pretty girls chased off that coyote!

  10. What a fabulous place to stay. The views are amazing. A wonderful adventure.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to you both and my very best to your wonderful peeps. ♥

  11. Java Bean: "Ayyy, did you stop that coyote from picking up his package delivery from ACME? Probably just as well!"

  12. Coyotes seem to be everywhere anymore. Mommy is always concerned one with walk out of the woods around us and eat us or something. That's why she always keeps us on a leash when it's dark out and we're not in our fenced area. That's a great last picture, but Sunny, you look like you're still thinking/concerned about that coyote... XOX Xena and Chia

  13. What fun, and getting to bark at a coyote! I'll bet you told him good, whatever it was you said.


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