
CeCe Chillaxin' Aaaws

Today we wanted to explain why you might not see us on some of our vacation adventures. As you know I, Sunny, am much more into chillaxin' in Cece than adventures. Although I did join the family for one exciting adventure(more on this Friday), I mostly caught up on my naps and let Rosy enjoy early morning adventures with the pawrents.
 I, Rosy, would have gone on ALL the adventures but it was "VERY HOT" during our time in Page, AZ. Even in Williams, I was only allowed to go on morning adventures because of the heat. We did go for long walks in the mornings and evenings and even a few afternoon walks during the cooler last couple of days. During the middle of the day I stayed in cool Cece and caught up on my naps.

It was nice to be able to catch up on our rest in air conditioned CeCe and joining the pawrents when we could for the occasional adventure during this vacation.

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!







  1. Gail thinks early morning and evening adventures are the best option in hot climates and would be happy to chillax with Sunny and Rosy during the heat of the day. Nobby has never experienced truly hot weather but is always up for a walk!

  2. we totally agree... to stay in your cece is the best idea... sometimes it is enough to put the nose in the air and to go back to bed ...

  3. Hari Om
    That sounds like the ideal routine to me! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Exploring in the heat is not fun. I like yours and Sunny's napping in the coolness idea much better, Rosy!

  5. As long as you have a comfy, cool place to hang out, snoozing is also a good part of vacations. Heat is no fun.

  6. Beau says he understands, he would have to stay in CeCe a lot. he loves riding but can only walk about a half hour at a time and extreme heat he can't walk at all.. that is why we leave home in the dark at daybreak. he only goes in the yard for potty time now, we are all longing for a break in the heat.. You are blessed to have CeCe to sleep in when needed

  7. You both are adorable and chillaxing in CeCe sounds mighty fine sweet Sunny!

  8. Java Bean: "Ayyy, I like it when it gets super hot here, but I don't walk in it. I just go lie down in the sun."
    Charlee: "We saw you lying down in the shade when it was almost 100 here, Bean, so we know that even you have your limits."
    Chaplin: "As for the rest of us, we will hang out where it's cool, because WE are not lunatics."

  9. CeCe is quite accommodating for the needs of my nieces and their adoring pawrents.
    Love your photos today
    Hugs AC

  10. Oh you both are adorable ~ glad you get to chill out and relax at CeCe's ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. When it's to hot it's not good to be out and about. Your parents know this and you have great parents.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to you both and my best to your wonderful peeps. ♥

  12. Sometimes vacations are best enjoyed with air conditioning

  13. Those are really good plans for both of you when it is so hot and when too much walking isn't goo for you. You both look so very comfy.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. That sounds like the perfect way to vacation, Sunny and Rosy! XOX Xena and Chia

  15. We completely understand you girls wanting to stay cool in CeCe.

  16. You do as much as you can, and when it's dangerous because of the heat, or if you don't enjoy being out so much, you stay where it's safe. That's the smart way.


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