
Wildlife Wednesday on Tuesday

Since Mama wants to do a special post for our angels tomorrow on Rainbow Remembrance Day, I decided we would have Wildlife Wednesday on Tuesday.  Mostly this is so I could clear my name regarding our missing frogs! 

Not only did I not eat any frogs, I haven't been able to even chase those silly hoppers this Summer. For some reason, Mama is happy about this. I think it really takes a lot of the fun out of my evening backyard potty walks!

Here are some of the reasons the froggies may have disappeared.....
(As always, feel free to visit our YouTube Channel HERE.)

Who do you think is most responsible for the frogacide? We are pretty sure that Rocky the Raccoon is the main culprit. He has stopped by a bunch and checked out all the nooks and crannies of the fountain.

And to you all that thought I was eating those froggies?? 
Shame on you!
(TeeHeeHee...of course, I might have given one a nibble if I had the chance.)


We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the 
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


  1. maybe rocky is french? that would explain the frogocalypse...

  2. Rocky is definitely acting suspiciously...

  3. Gosh, not even a teeny bite of fried frog legs appetizer? Ah well ... by the by, love your little red hat!

  4. Hari Om
    Cooper might have been my main suspect, if it hadn't been for the CCTV of Rocky roaching around the pool like that... good detective work, Sunny! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. We don't like frogs. Mom trained us to be scared of them because she is afraid of them. Olivia saw one on her walk the other day and she jumped about a mile into the air out of fright. We've seen a lot of flat ones on the road lately too. It is probably best if you leave them alone and let the other critters handle them. You are looking cute with your mad face.

  6. it seems to me that the predators have over frogged the pond and now have no frogs to eat, just like humans. love those yellow legs on the hawk, and would fear that beak. any or all of these could be the culprit.

  7. You are such a cutie, Sunny. We're sure most of the frog carnage is coming from that bandit, but those big birds would love a frog snack once in a while too.

  8. Niece Sunny you look Stunning in your sun visor and bandana. I agree Rocky is probably responsibe for the frog-a-cide. OMDs Cooper the Hawk has some impressive weapons too so
    maybe he had a frog leg or two
    That is one giant Roadrunner...
    Hugs AC

  9. Hello beautiful Sunny! You have one of the most fun backyards ever!

  10. Chaplin: "I don't know, I still think Dennis's old friend Norwood is involved somehow ..."

  11. My first guess was the hawk as they eat just about anything that moves! You look pretty angry about being blamed, Sunny☺

  12. Way to clear your reputation, Miss Sunny. Yes, that bugger trash panda is definitely the culprit! P.S. You have such a lovely water feature-no wonder the critters come for 'water margaritas 'in the evening hours.

  13. Sweet doggie photos ~ the best ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. We never thought you were guilty, Sunny. Chase them, maybe. Eat them, no way!!! We think the raccoons are also responsible for the disappearance of Mom's tomatoes. Since she turned the Ring camera toward the plant on the deck, there have been no new thefts. But the best of the crop is gone.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  15. Sunny, I believed you didn't eat them, evidenced by the (hopefully) fact that you didn't get a tummy ache. XOXOX Chia
    Now we all know it was Rocky. He needs to go to jail and have a trial by both you, Sunny , and also Rosy. If convicted, well, uh, that's up to you to decide what to do, unless your Mama is the judge in this procedure. XOX Xena


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