
FFF on Nature Friday - Hitting the Road


Welcome to the wonderful Friday each month where Nature Friday comes together with YAM Aunty's FFF!!  Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the Rulez and join the FFF fun!! 

Hitting the Road
by Rosy
CeCe is clean, Daddy's checked the engine and the tires,
"What's going on?" our friends may inquire
Well, Mama's packing everything in our abode,
All signs point to us hitting the road!

We're headed someplace where the Canyon's are Grand,
We've been promised long walks through open land!
We'll also see trains and they'll be lots of pics,
Because we'll also be traveling on Route 66!

We'll report back in September, all we have seen
Along with pictures of all the cool places we've been.
Farewell and ado, Au revoir and so long,
We'll see you September 10th, 
until then we'll be gone.

We are heading out a week long CeCe adventure around the Southwest. We are looking forward to some fun in the sun and some much needed rest and relaxation for the pawrents.

We'll be out of the office, with the exception of Nature Friday next week, until Tuesday, September 10th. 

We hope you all have a pawsome Labor Day Weekend. 
Don't forget to go out to see some nature!  

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


  1. Pawsome poem and we just know you are going to have a pawsome adventure.
    Happy Nature Friday!

  2. Have a wonderful time! We can't wait to hear all about it and see pictures!

  3. Have a happy, safe and amazing journey!

  4. Hari Om
    Yippee, I'm so happy for you. Nothing beats the open road!!! I apologize for the double link... first one picked up a previous URL for some reason... Sigh... Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  5. WOW x 87 Aunty C is thrilled to read that CeCe is ready set to go taking you all on a Grand trip to the Canyon. AC will be taking a break from 9/3-6. Returning on the 7th.
    Hugs safe travels and lots of fun treks and sun and rest

  6. That sounds like lots of fun. We can't wait to hear all about it.

  7. WOW, that's a long time, but I know you sweeties will sure enjoy the fun! Be safe!

  8. Love the poem and have a wonderful time, lots of fun and relaxation and we cannot wit to see your photos when you share them, be safe, with a woof from Nili

  9. Have fun and enjoy everything you see. At first we thought you were going to be gone for like a month, but then we realized it is September on Sunday already, LOL!

  10. I wish all 4 of you a joyous journey in CeCe and wow on that tongue Ms Rosy.. I am a tad jealous. waiting for photos

  11. Wishing you a wonderful adventure ~ safe and exciting ~ will miss you all ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. Oh, such fun! I hope you have a "grand" time.

  13. Well, Ms. Rosy, you sure do look happy to be headed out with CeCe. Have a great time and you will be missed.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. Bye bye Rosy. See you again when you get home. I'll be home then, too! XOX Xena

  15. Safe travels dear friends! Lee and Phod

  16. Safe travels and have a lot of great adventures.

  17. Lulu: "Have fun! Rumor has it that Route 66 is the place to get your kicks!"
    Charlee: "Bunny kicks?"
    Lulu: "I don't think so ..."

  18. Can't wait to hear all about your wonderful adventure.

    Have a woof woof day and vacation. My best to your peeps. ♥


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