
Flutterbies with Sunny on Nature Friday

Welcome to Nature Friday, where we get to meet new friends and maybe share a picture or two of what nature looks like around Blogville.This week I want to share some of the flutterbies Mama saw on her last trip to the ABQ Botanic Garden.

Last year, because of the dry and hot summer, there weren't many flutterbies in the "Butterfly House" of the gardens. This year, I am happy to report the butterflies are doing much better!
Here, fresh out of its cocoon is a Giant Swallowtail. 

Swallowtails are commonly found in New Mexico. 
Here is a Pipeline Swallowtail.....

Another freshly hatched cutie, this time a Yellow Swallowtail!

Here is another Yellow Swallowtail playing on a Sunflower!

We sometimes see Yellow Swallowtails flitting around the backyard.

Mama's favorite butterfly, and one we don't see much in New Mexico, is the Monarch Butterfly!

From their polka dotted bodies,

To their beautiful orange wings

Monarch Butterflies sure are beautiful....

I wonder if butterflies are as tasty as they loo....
NO  Mama, I would never, well  probably never,  taste one
(mostly because they would fly away before I could catch one)!

I sure hope you all can get out and  chas...I  mean see some  nature this weekend!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


  1. that is like a fairy land... so beautiful!!!

  2. Those butterflies are spectacular to look at but I don't think there's much flesh on them...

  3. Hari OM
    Sunny, you are radiant in your bandanas - and thank you and mama for bringing us these glorious images! I have only seen about four, maybe five butterflies here in Scotland this summer. hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. The swallowtails are so pretty but we agree with your mom - the monarch is just gorgeous and you look so very pretty today, Sunny!

  5. I would love to see a butterfly house where they grow butterflies. my favorite is the yellow swallowtail on the sunflower. we have all of these here in Florida, but not last year. this year we have a few.. the yard used to be full of them

  6. Niece Sunny what a funnnnnnnn post. I often here folks say they have butterflies in their tummy BUT they never ever say if they are tasty.
    The friends we visit in the NC mountians have lots and lots of milkweed the Monarchs love that.
    thank you for sharing all the buttie pillars (thanks Princess Leah) with us.
    Hugs AC

  7. Those are amazing boo-flies, Sunny. And just so you know, you do not want to snack on them...they taste gross. I know.
    Your fur-iend,
    Elsa 🐾

  8. Hello cutie Sunny! You sure did find lots of pretty butterflies!

  9. I'm glad the butterflies are doing better this year. We get monarchs, and also their smaller cousins, the gulf coast fritilaries. Thanks for hosting Nature Friday!

  10. What beautiful butterflies your mom found. We have lots of butterflies in our garden right now with all the flowers that are in bloom.

  11. Mom really loved the swallowtails best. When the grands were much younger, they would go every summer to Powell Gardens in Missouri to see the beautiful displays of all kind of butterflies. Your post brought back many fond memories.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. I love butterflies. Thank you for sharing yours with us

  13. When I taught second grade, we did a whole unit on the life cycle of the butterfly. It was my favorite unit to teach. There's a park near me that has a butterfly exhibit, plus they have a lot of butterflies just flying around outside the conservatory. I love them! :)

  14. Hi Sunny, I see you are wearing your yellow today like the yellow swallow tails. You are much prettier, though, then any bug. Hey, I have dots on my body, too, like the Monarch butterflies! XOXOXOX Cha

  15. Chaplin: "Butterflies are the most fascinating bugs! They fly like they've had too much to drink. So much fun to stare at!"

  16. Beautiful butterfly photos and your sweet doggie is adorable ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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