
Thankful for Pretty Drives Thursday

Today, we are thankful for the pretty drives we get to take. The drive to Chama was especially pretty because of all the wonderful rock formations.

They kinda look like someone layered different rock "batters" to make a "rock cake"

This one looks like it has frosting on top!

We even passed a ghost ranch....hmmmm, wonder if that is a Ghost Mountain?!

There seemed to be a pretty mountain around every turn!

Keeping in theme for the week, Mama made a video of all the rocks we saw....

As always, feel free to visit our YouTube Channel HERE.

Although I may not always be fond of the drive, I'm always thankful when there is pretty scenery to see out the window.

Thank you Angel Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  1. Hari OM
    isn't the Earth just a most wonderfurs place?!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. The rocks are interesting. There are so many places that have rock formations in interesting forms and layers. Nature did a great job creating pretty areas of rock.

  3. thanks for giving me the opportunity to see these amazing rocks. at times I felt like I was riding in the front seat of CeCe... I am on my 11 inch screen and it was beautiful, if I remember I will look at it on my huge desk top screen or even on the 65 inch TV.

  4. You guys are always traveling! Is it for work, or are you pawrents retired? If they are, can we say how jealous we are? We want our Mom to stay home with us, and do lots of trips and dog sports! You guys sure visit some beautiful places!

  5. What beautiful scenery! Thanks for taking us along.

  6. The rock formations are just gorgeous and we loved your video!

  7. AC agrees the rocks do look like a delicious strawberry layered cake...and the video WOW
    Nieces you travel in style with your toy box close by
    Hugs AC

  8. We too are of course grateful for all the pretty drives you share with us.
    Thank you!

  9. Such lucky pups to see so many pretty places on your journeys! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. Those are some beautiful areas, thank you so much for sharing the pictures with us!

  11. Cake layers and frosting... we see where your minds are, BOL! XOX Xena and my pack

  12. Java Bean: "Ayyy, rock cake? Look at it all! It would take us forever to eat it! Come on, Lulu, let's go get started!"


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