
Travel Tuesday - Lake City, CO

 It ended up being about a 2 hour drive along the Silver Thread  Scenic Byway before we came down the mountain into Lake City.
After our drive , Mama and Daddy were getting hungry.
Mama googled some dog friendly Lake City restaurants and came across the
Packer Saloon and Cannibal Grill
Wait  a Minute!
Why would they want to eat at a CANNIBAL grill...sounded kinda sketchy to me. Mama then explained about Alferd Packer, a notorious criminal that did some yucky cannibal crimes in Lake City that somehow made it a popular place to visit.
Les sigh...humans, am I right?

While Daddy went  in to get us a table and I noticed there was a special entrance for me.

 Mama was a  little amazed when I knew just where to go.
Sheesh Mama, I am 7 now, I know how to read a sign!
 I people watched....
 ...and puppy watched while the pawrents ate lunch
(which turned out NOT to be people, and was delicious).

Mama and  Daddy say I am a good girl when we visit dog-friendly eateries. I mostly hang out in  their laps (I may have had a french fry or two) or lay down under a chair.

 After lunch we went  for a little walk along main street.
Here is a little wildflower garden.
 I took an ussie with a deer while Daddy was in a store looking at souvenirs.

 It's not between mountains like Creede but Lake City is in a valley, surrounded by mountains. 
Very pretty don't you think?
Lake City is a fun and quirky town too.
We giggled at these cute planters climbing the trees
 ...and made sure to stay away from this house!

Mama has been calling me her little bear cub because of my shaggy hair
...I let her know how silly she was by giving her a raspberry during my bear ussie!

 Before I knew it,  it was time to head back over the mountain to Sunny and Cece!
 Thanks so much for tagging along on our short trip. We really enjoyed driving the Scenic Byway, visiting Lake City  and the Creede area. Between the quaint little towns and the beautiful scenery, I bet we come back to the Southwestern Colorado area real soon!!

We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the 
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


  1. Lake City seems a great place to visit, despite the cannibals and the signs about shooting trespassers. We love the Rosie and bear 'ussie'. Mama has a point about the resemblance!

  2. that is the best place of slice earth!!! we can not even say what was the best... all things we bet!!!! and this trees!! wow!!!

  3. We laughed at the tree climbing planters and the deer with flowers is so pretty! You guys find the best spots to explore!

  4. Hari OM
    OOohhhh, my word what a place - a true mountain town! Thanks for sharing it with us, Rosy. I love your selfie with the flowers - and might have to agree with mama about you BEARing a resemblence to that Ursa family! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  5. What a fun place to visit, even if it had some creepy notes to it. Those planters are super fun, and the scenery is beautiful.

  6. and thanks so much to you for letting us tag along.. the people climbing the trees look like the cannibals paid them a visit. ha ha... love the shops and I thought the wild flower garden was a potty for canines at the grill until I read the post

  7. Niece Rosy OMDs OMDs what a fun place to visit from the very frist sign. Aunty thought cannibal grill was hilarious. AC does love her a good slab of beef or chicken boobie.
    I knew 7 was gonna be a good year for you so many things to experience and friends to make from afar. What a great pose with the B E A R S and I want a reindeer planter.
    Oh and the scenery was gorgeous too
    Hugs AC

  8. What a great town to visit. Thanks for taking us along on your trip, Rosy.

  9. So many fun things to see and it's such a scenic place!

  10. What a beautiful place to explore and have lunch. Glad they didn't eat people. I chuckled on that one. I love the great outdoors and quaint places.

    Of course you know where to go and know how to read. You're very smart.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the pups and my best to your wonderful peeps. ♥

  11. Java Bean: "Ayyy, that looks like a very interesting place, but we are still kind of suspicious about that cannibal grill. Are you sure those so-called planters aren't people who climbed up the tree to get away from the cannibals and never came down again?"

  12. Oh what fun you are on your 'Happy Trails' ~ great photos ~ Wow! ~ and hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka ( A Creative Harbor)

  13. Hi Rosy. Hey, I think that's the prettiest picture I've ever seen of you. Look how nice your ear hair curls! You're very smart too, knowing just where you were supposed to go in. After all you are 7! Your friend, Xena

  14. This is a beautiful area, you've made me want to visit, too.

  15. The pictures are beautiful. It most be stunninig to see it in person.


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