
First Responder Thankful Thursday

Today, we want to send a special thankful to all the first responders that have been responding to the many fires across California and the rest of the United States, Canada and Worldwide

 We also want to wish Smoky the Bear a belated birthday
(her turned 80 last Friday).

Always remember, and never forget:
"Only we can prevent forest fires!"
Thank you Angel Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!



  1. Happy birthday Smokey Bear! .We are also thankful for all the emergency workers who do their best to keep people, pets and property safe in the face of this increasing problem. We just heard that Gail's friend Marse had to cancel a planned backpack trip in the Cascades due to forest fires.

  2. 80.. but he is still in business and strong and always there if we need thim... happy birthday smokey and a BIG thank you to all who protect us...

  3. Hari OM
    Smokey is ageless and that's a good thing, because his work, I fear, will never be done... Great PSA! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Smokey Bear is 80! He doesn't seem that old but he is a great bear. All the fires are so sad and destroying so many beautiful places too.

  5. Nieces well said for such a devoted group of first responders. Happy 80th Smoky...
    And I might add you two look adorable in your attire today
    Hugs cecilia

  6. You two are so cute! We salute all the men and women that keep us safe from all sorts of disasters. Our skies are hazy from all the wildfire smoke coming from out west.

  7. Fires are so horrible and do so much damage. Thank goodness for all of the first responders who put their lives on the line!

  8. Lulu: "Ooh, our Dada is very appreciative of first responders ― they sure helped him out when they came to the house that one time! Not to mention all the work they do keeping the wildfires away from us ..."

  9. I had no idea Smokey and I were born in the same year. My thanks to all the responders for the fires and here in our oh so hot Florida, they respond to fires and strokes and heart attacks with the EMT's working in this heat.

  10. Those people sure have a tough job fighting those wildfires but we're sure happy they are out there. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. I am very thankful for our firefighters, it's not an easy job.

  12. Paws up for all those great First Responders, and a belated happy birthday to Smokey the Bear! XOX Xena and Chia


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