
Once Upon A Time on Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

Once upon a time, there were four very special dogs. They lived and loved their best lives with pawrents who loved and cared for them the best they knew how. As we know all too well, pets never stay with us long enough. These pups did their best to make sure their humans learned very special life lessons during their earthly stays. 

Today, these four pups are going to share what they taught their humans during their all too short lives.

Hi, I am Jakey, and I got to spend 14 of my 17 years with my human pawrents.  I taught my pawrents that dogs are patient, kind and loving no matter what they may have gone through before coming to them. 
I also taught them that some pups like to tear all their toys(and their siblings toys) to shreds. The favorite thing I hope they learned from me, especially to my Daddy, was that Jakey kisses can soothe even the baddest of days. 

Hi, I'm Arty and I hope I taught my pawrents to always take your dog with you. I was my Mama's most reliable travel companion. She knew I would always have a good time, no matter where we went. I also taught my pawrents to never be afraid...of anything!  Most importantly my Mama learned there are different kinds of heart dogs, and I was lucky to be one of hers. Unfortunately, I had to leave them unexpectedly, teaching them to always live each day to the fullest with your furry friends because you never know when the Rainbow Bridge will be calling.

I'm Bilbo and I taught my pawrents well....EVERYTHING.  I was their first pup and I taught them everything from how loving a puppy can be,  to how some dogs are very special and need lots of special attention(Mama says I was preparing them for Sunny BOL). They learned to always have a routine for your pet! I always made sure they were on time with all aspects of my routine AND their routine too! From dinner to treat time and even making sure everybody went to bed on time! They were very lucky to have a pup like me for their very first dog!

Hi, I'm Dory...the original author of this blog. I taught my pawrents the unconditional love a dog can give. I was Mama's bestest friend and Daddy's best girl. Arty may say he's Mama's favorite travel buddy, but I was her first travel buddy.  Where ever I went, I never met a stranger! I introduced Mama to the blog world and am one of the main reasons she has met so many great friends through the years. I could go on and on about all the things I taught the pawrents, but the most important thing I taught them is what it means to have a "pure heart dog".

Do you think the pawrents know how much they were loved Dory??
Oh yes Arty and I can tell by the tears Mama still leaks how much she and Daddy loved us too.
All of us, along with the pawrents, are so lucky to have found each other.

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day was founded in 2015 by Deborah Barnes, award-winning author and blogger of Zee & Zoey’s Cat Chronicles, in tribute to her Ragdoll cat, Mr. Jazz, whom she had to say goodbyes to on August 28, 2013. She shared the journey of letting him go in her critically acclaimed book, Purr Prints of – A Cat’s Tale of Life, Death, and Beyond, and decided to create the day in his honor as a way for others across the world to share memories of their pets they had loved and lost.


  1. Oh what a lovely post. Four very special dogs, all different, all so well loved. And how wonderful to share them with the world through this brilliant blog!
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. oooh do you remember the old times with the blogville election and so much moments we shared... it is so good to have all this memories. they are like a treasure...

  3. Hari OM
    I too share memories of you all and feel blessed that I got to share knee-cuddle time with you, Dory. Blessings, Love, hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. This is a very personal comment ~ I've been cleaning old photo files but honestly cannot, no, I simply cannot bring myself to delete old images: Dory's Backyard ... little Bilbo ... Arty at the beach, and Jakey, oh you were so, so cute. We have never met any of you, but each and every one of you has held a really special place in my heart and I do think I probably have almost as many pictures of each of you on my computer as your Mommy does (well, not quite, but close!!!). I miss you all, have had fun with you all, thanks to your Mom & Dad sharing you with us. And I hope you are enjoying your lives together ... running free, up there, out there, forever.

  5. What a wonderful post! We remember all of you, and Dory, you were extra special because you were a girl and you too were into the blogging world. You were all loved so much by your family and also by all your blogging friends. Now you all are running free with our late sisters Emma, Katie and Trine. Those that went before us helped make our lives the way they are now. Miss you all!

  6. I knew all of you and loved all of you and leaked tears each time one of you left us. in fact have a few leaks right now.. Pawfect Post to in memory of all of you. each dog is different, we have had 6 and the were all different.. and taught us too. Beau is the routine dog teacher

  7. It is with great happiness I can say I met and loved on Arty and Dory in 2016. AND I thank Arty for allowing Dory to sit in my lap. He was purrty sure I was gonna drop her so he sat right at my feet and did not blink an eye until Dory was back on solid ground. They both had the bestest softest silkiest furs too
    Prof. Jakey gave me the courage to trip Photoshop...he prepared many videos on his blog.
    Dear sweet Bilbo...never ever NOT once complained when when I called him 'Bilbro'...
    At the time I worked with a Professor Bilbro in the physics department.
    I think Arty and Dory for accompany their mama to the B.A.R. 2016
    Hugs Aunty C

  8. The Angel wisdom was strong and the love and memories will always be there.

  9. What a beautiful tribute to all of your angels. We remember you all so well and miss you♥

  10. Lulu: "Awww, so many adorable little angels!"
    Chaplin: "Dennis always spoke very highly of all of them!"

  11. Such a beautiful tribute to all your angels at The Bridge. We remember them all with fondness.

  12. What a wonderful way to share on Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day. I love all the lessons learned - your sweet babies were very smart and very loved! Love from Deb and Purr Prints of the Heart on behalf of Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day.

  13. Oh goodness, you made our Mom cry real tears. She knew and loved each and every one of your Angels. They touched her in so many ways and were friends of our blog from way back when our Angels were too. This is such a beautiful and love-filled post.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. What lovely remembrances of your sweet pups who are still fondly remembered and missed. Each of your pups were such a gift for you and their Dad as well as to everyone in Blogville. Sending you gentle digital hugs today. ❤️‍🩹

  15. Now you've got our Mama's eyes leaking, too. What a good time our Angel Lexi had with them while blogging. Xena, Lucy and Chia

  16. Their memories warm our hearts, don't they.


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