
Thankful for Comfy Cool Perching

 When the temperatures climb to high for me to lay on my viewing couch outside,  I am  thankful to have a multi functional inside viewing perch. This comfortable couch is used for snuggling with the pawrents when they are watching TV in the evening.....

......but most days, the couch serves as a perch to survey the backyard.

Due to the ummm..."enthusiasm" of Sunny, when she sees anything from a spec of dust to a bunny, the bottom of our windows have been frosted. Thankfully, I have found a place where I can observe above the frost!
 At first, I had to use my "pllllleeeaaaaassssseee" look before Mama would let me lay up there.

But before long, and as long as I don't make any barky noises, I am thankful to say this couch in now my primary viewing perch AND bed BOL!

Do you have a favorite inside viewing place??

Thank you Angel Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  1. we thing every couch and sofa needs a dog or a cat.. the name is fur-niture, so....

  2. Hari Om
    BOL, yup, you've got mama wrapped around your tail 😁 hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. I have a couch perch just like yours Rosy, and when Gail is out or busy I love to position myself there, looking out of the front bay window and keeping an eye on the street.

  4. We all love the window in our office as we can see the whole neighborhood and sometimes the windows next to the front door are nice, but the bushes block our view. Glad you have a comfy place to keep an eye on things.

  5. YAY for the mama, cause that's a great observation tower ... (me, anyplace I want to perch I perch, it's just the way it is ... smile).

  6. What a nice comfy spot for perching and observing. I don't have a nice spot like you do, Rosy.

  7. any excuse to lay on the back of the sofa. it looks so comfy, and a room with a view. I wondered what the blue was on the door and that is very creative way to take the noisy out of Sunny.. if you can't see it, it's not there..

  8. That's very creative with the frosty windows and that's a darn good viewing perch sweet Rosy! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. You found a great place to hang out and watch what's going on in your yard, Rosy. Just make sure Sunny doesn't follow you up there so she can see out and start barking at what she sees out the windows.

  10. Niece Rosy that sissy of yours is so funny. She barks to hear herself bark. Good idea to frost the lower half of the patio door and YAY you for finding a perfect perch
    Hugs AC

  11. Charlee: "See? There are many advantages to being high up, even aside from the fact that highest cat wins!"

  12. Rosy - you have me wrapped around your paw with that "please" look!!

  13. Who could resist that look, Sunny?! Now you've got Mommy thinking about the frosted windows. I think that would be cruel! My favorite perching place is the back of the big red leather chair in front of the big front windows! I can lay there and watch outside and snooze if I get worn out. XOX Xexe

  14. A viewing perch, how awesome! I'm glad you have it, and such a good understanding with your mama.

  15. Rosy, I'm so so sorry I called you Sunny. I musta been thinking about the nice sunshine we both like to lay in! XOX Xena aka Xexe

  16. That is a great viewing perch, Rosy. We must admit we are like Sunny watching for those intruding rabbits and squirrels. We also have frosted windows at the bottom - frosted with our nose smooches and tongue licks:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber


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