
Dragonflies and Lilypads(but no Frogs)

Welcome to Nature Friday, where we get to meet new friends and maybe share a picture or two of what nature looks like around Blogville. This week we have a few more pictures from the ABQ Botanical Garden.

Mama found a cool dragonfly while walking around the Garden who agreed to a short photoshoot.

He looks so beautiful against the green stem don't you think?

But what we really love about this little dragonfly are his wings and the beautiful delicate vein detail!

You might remember that Mama is a big fan of water lilies.

The lilypads and water lilies didn't disappoint this year.

The pink and white pedals against the green lily pads are just gorgeous!

They are doing construction at the gardens this year, so Mama couldn't see or hear any frogs at all.

The Gardens aren't the only place without frogs this year.
It seems the backyard frogs have disappeared too....
Stay tuned next Wednesday to hear our theory on why.
We hope you all get out and enjoy some nature this weekend!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


  1. Ow wow your dragonfly is simply stunning, we have never seen one with that colour and with such amazingly delicate wings. Congratulations to Mama for capturing it so well on camera. The lilies are lovely too

  2. Oh wow your dragonflies are stunning. We've never seen one that colour and with such delicate wings. Congratulations to mama for capturing it so well on camera. The lilies are lovely too and we wait with bated breath for the frog theory.

  3. the lilies are so beautiful... and we always thought the dragonflies are magic fairys... maybe they can grant us a wish? or two?

  4. The dragonfly's wings are works of art and my mom loves the waterlilies as much as your mom does, Rosy!

  5. What great shots of the dragon flies! Their wings are beautiful and we love the lily pad flowers too.

  6. Hari Om
    Stunning! 😍 Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  7. I was about to say maybe the noise scared the frogs. but if they are gone from your yard, might be something else. ours have been gone for years now, they disappeared because of the drought we think. that dragonfly is gorgeous, such detail and bright orange color...

  8. Niece Rosy AC is in awe of the beautiful Dragon Fly selfie. I have never ever seen on up close these colors are amazing. Your hair bow is almost the same color....give your wardrobe consultant a high 5.
    WOW just lovely photos too bad mama couldn't here the frogs ribbiting to her

  9. That dragonfly is so beautiful as are the water lilies, too. You are the perfect princess among the frogs, Rosy.

  10. your photos are so good. We have a brown dragonfly that comes and sits on a bamboo fence next to our porch chairs when we come out. It feels very connected. I love lillies and before covid we used to go to /Denver botanic gardens all the time, just to be around the lily ponds in the evenings

  11. Charlee: "We love dragonflies! The hummingbirds of the bug world!"
    Lulu: "I thought hummingbirds where the dragonflies of the bird world."
    Charlee: "Same difference!"

  12. The dragonfly is delightful, the water lilies most beautiful, and I'm sad there are no frogs. I do like frogs.

  13. Beautiful dragonfly and lily pad photos ~ but you sweet doggie are my favorite ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Those dragonflies are very pretty and you always are sweet Rosy. You've got me curious about where the frogs went.

  15. You are a world class photographer. Than for posting.

  16. All the frogs have been kissed and turned into princes:)

    The photos are just awesome!!! Your Mama does beautiful work. The dragonfly is very pretty if that is a word to use for one. And the water lilies are simply beautiful. So healthy looking too.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  17. Our Mom loves dragonflies, too. She used to see them when she would be on the pontoon boat she no longer has (dang, that would have been fun!). Hey, Rosy, did Sunny eat the frogs? Your buddy, Xena
    Chia: Hey Xena, leave Sunny alone! She's MY friend, you know.

  18. Wow, I love all of the photos. That dragonfly and the lilies are indeed gorgeous!!! Have a great weekend. :)

  19. We have lots of dragonflies, but none like that! The lotuses are beautiful. Thanks for sharing this peaceful garden. Lee and Phod


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